Outing Leader

Verdugo Hills Council

High Adventure Team presents....

Outing Awareness Course

The High Adventure Team’s Outing Awareness Course is designed to give adult Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturer Leaders knowledge and training that will help them plan and lead their units on fun, safe, and rewarding outings. It covers the basics for all types of outings; from trips to the zoo or museum for young Cubs, to long-term outings away from Los Angeles for older Scouts and Venturers.

“Outing Awareness“ is a one day seminar that is recommended for all registered Scouters,

and Scouts or Venturers who are at least 14 years of age and accompanied by an adult leader.

Date: Saturday, February 20, 2010

Time: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm (sign-in begins at 7:45 am... come join us for coffee)

Place: Council Office, 1325 Grandview Glendale, CA, 91201

Bring: Pencil or pen, your lunch (or plan to eat at local establishments),

Compass if you have one (Sylva type).

Sign up: At Council Office NOW--- spaces are limited.

Cost: $15.00 per person, if registered by February 3, otherwise $20.00 at the door. But please note, class will be cancelled if the minimum number of persons have not registered by five days before the class date.

Subjects to be covered include



Food Planning & Preparation

Emergency Weather

Trip Planning


Health and Safety

Scouts’ Own



Personal/Group Equipment

Equipment Care

Maps & Compass


This course is the pre-requisite for Basic Backpacking and most other HAT Courses. Take it now, so that you will be eligible to participate in the other courses when they are offered.

To Register: Complete the information below and send to the Council address above,

with a check payable to “Verdugo Hills Council-BSA”.

Enclosed is a check for $ 15.00. Please enroll me for the Outing Awareness course on February 20, 2010.

Name: __________________________________________________________________


City: ____________________________________ Zip:___________________________

Telephone (day):_______________________ (evening):___________________________

Position in Scouting: ______________________________________________________

Troop, Pack, or Crew Number: Email. .
