
Welcome to all my new science students at Idyllwild Arts Academy!

I am very excited about the year ahead. I want to know a little more about you, so for our first assignment I will be asking you to email a brief profile about yourself. Next week, I will also ask you to answer a few questions about a substance called dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO), which is found throughout our environment and is responsible for countless deaths. Please email your responses to me at

Part 1: About me

Please complete the following statements and send me a picture of you.

1. My favorite place is...

2. I am proud of...

3. A person who is very important to me is...

4. I am so happy when...

5. I love...

Don't forget to attach a picture. This will help me to start learning your name.

Part 2: The dangers of DHMO

Today I gave you information on the potentially fatal chemical DHMO. I want you to respond to a few questions and include your responses in the about me email you are sending to me. Your answers can be short. In fact, a single sentence for each would be fine.

The questions are:

1. Why do you think we explored the dangers of D.H.M.O in our introduction to class today?

2. Share your thoughts and concerns. What should we do next? – (ie. look for more info, write our Congressman, make a PSA)

3. How can we know if what we are being told is true? What could I do to try to corroborate the information presented today?

4. What makes you skeptical? Notice how the writer associates DHMO with negative “buzz words” like acid rain, greenhouse effect, industrial dumping, and animal research.

5. Why is it important to analyze information (be it advertising and propaganda claims or scientific topics) objectively rather than emotionally?

I am really excited about this year.



Discussion - Being a Critical Consumer.doc

Science Picture of the Week

All the water on Earth.