
My main research subject is the investigation of neutron stars, but I am also interested in star formation and young stellar objects as well as in the identification of weird objects, e.g., in Galactic X-ray Surveys. 

My research focuses on understanding the observational properties of neutron stars, their population diversity, and how these compact objects evolve and  interact with their environment.

A recent example of my work presents the time-averaged results of  the Thousand-Pulsar-Array (TPA) program , an unprecedented large, homogeneous survey of  ~1200 radio pulsars that is carried out with the  MeerKAT radio telescope. For the Oxford press release see   with a video clip illustrating the seen pulse shapes of individual pulsars:     

Here is one example result of our TPA survey:

The radio emission of  pulsars can be highly polarised -  a testament to the very strong magnetic fields of these compact objects. The quantity  L/I  on the y-axis of the left plot is the linear polarisation fraction of the radio emission we measured for the TPA pulsars (1 mean the emission is 100% linearly polarised). The x-axis indicates the spin-down power of the neutron stars in logarithmic units. The spin-down power  expresses how much rotational energy the pulsar has available per second, for instance for conversion into radiation.  One can roughly say, the younger a pulsar the higher the spin-down power. The TPA survey clearly demonstrates that pulsars with high spin-down power also show highly linearly polarized radio emission. We also found the polarization to be influenced by other measured quantities such as the pulse width. The pulse width represents the intercepted radio beam width. Together, the found correlations can be used to describe how the radio emission process changes in dependence on pulsar age.

Other topics of my work are:

Pulsar Wind Nebulae

Neutron stars, in particular young ones, have powerful winds of very energetic particles. When these particles interact with the surrounding medium, shocks are formed. Emission from these shocked regions have been detected in the radio to X-ray wavelength range as pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe). Thanks to the high spatial resolution of the Chandra X-ray telescope, many new PWNe were discovered and studied in recent years. My collaborators and I investigate the PWN morphologies, spectral properties and temporal variability in X-rays in order to obtain constraints on the properties of the pulsar wind, the shocks and the neutron star itself. We find, for example, that PWNe can look very different, even if the powering neutron stars are seemingly very similar. As we showed in our works about the pulsars Geminga and PSR B0355+54 (see PSU press release and Chandra Photo Album), the particular geometry of a pulsar - the orientation of its spin axis, magnetic axis, and its direction of motion with respect to the line of sight - can be a major factor in the observable manifestation of its PWN.The left image shows on the top the X-ray image of the Geminga pulsar (with an infrared observation in the background), and on the bottom, the corresponding illustration of an interpretation where jet and distorted torus structures cause the observed extended emission. Geminga's long lateral tails (the potential jets) have extremely hard X-ray spectra indicating highly accelerated particles.

The Thermal Evolution of the Central Compact Object in the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant

Previous observations with the Chandra X-ray satellite indicated a rapid flux and temperature decline of the central compact object located in the Cas A supernova remnant. Such rapid cooling has profound implications for our understanding of the neutron star interior. However, the X-ray observations used for the previous investigations suffered from several instrument calibration issues, for example pileup (the CCD can not process quickly enough the incoming X-ray photons).  In our new work, my collaborators and I used  two Chandra observations where these effects have been minimized. We considered different atmosphere models for the neutron star, for example, carbon atmosphere models in our analysis. We did not find any significant temperature decrease and concluded that the previous findings are likely the result of larger-than- expected systematic errors. We found, however, an indication for a flux decrease in a small energy range and speculated whether this might be due to either an imperfect calibration or a changing amount of matter along the line of sight (the supernova remnant and its environment  are highly dynamic).   The image on the left shows in the upper two rows the previous results for observations suffering from the strong calibration uncertainties, the lower points indicate our results for the two observations minimizing the calibration issues. The two colors indicate two different models (the amount of material along the line of sight changes or not).  

Disks around Isolated Neutron Stars

copyright: N.TrEhnl

Like other stars, neutron stars can acquire disks by accretion from a binary. But isolated neutron stars may have disks too.  After a supernova, a part of the ejected material can fall back towards the newly born neutron star and form a disk. Such fallback disks can explain the diversity in the observed properties of neutron stars, for example, why some of them are radio pulsars and others are radio quiet. However, observational proof of these fallback disks remains rather scarce. So far, there is only one infrared detection indicative for a fallback disk -  around the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 4U 0142+61 .    

Open questions are: How common are these fallback disks and how easily can such disks be destroyed? Since neutron stars are very extreme objects with a violent birth, energetic radiation and particle output, several destruction scenarios are possible. The generally fast movement of pulsars through the interstellar medium has an impact on any such disks too. Investigating submillimeter observations with the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment, we found that  a  disk around  RX J1856.5-3754, for example, could have been easily destroyed during the pulsar's fast passage through a nearby dense molecular cloud fragment (right picture).

Slow periods of pulsars could indicate the braking effect from a disk torque acting on the neutron star in the past or present. Using the Herschel Space Telescope and the Spitzer Space Telescope, we investigated eight nearby slow X-ray pulsars for the cool remnants of such disks. With Herschel, we found indication for the presence of cold dust close to two neutron star positions.

This picture shows the 160 microm far-infrared emission at the position of the isolated neutron star RX J0806.4-4123. If associated, the current measurements would imply cold dust at a rather large distance (100 AU-1000 AU), similarly to the Oort cloud or the Kuiper belt around the Sun.

For the same neutron star, we use the Hubble Space Telescope to investigate Near-Infrared emission (1.6microm). We discovered a resolved object at the position of the pulsar. Its angular size is on the same order as the distance of the cold dust inferred from Herschel. The extended Near-Infrared emission could be caused by scattering of the light produced in the inner (hotter) disk. 

Young neutron stars are very powerful high-energy sources, easily capable of destroying nearby dust. Therefore, the potential existence of a disk and/or a dust torus provides a very interesting avenue to learn about neutron star evolution in general.

X-ray Thermal Isolated Neutron Stars (aka "The Magnificent Seven")

The X-ray emission of neutron stars is usually dominated by non-thermal emission processes in their powerful magnetospheres. Thermal emission from the stellar surface is often buried below the non-thermal X-ray spectrum and/or difficult to disentangle from it. There are only few neutron stars with predominately thermal X-ray spectra. The "Magnificent Seven" show nearly perfect  thermal X-ray spectra.  They were discovered with the ROSAT satellite and are interesting because, first, they allow a direct view to the neutron star surface, and second, they represent a significant fraction (nearly half!) of the local neutron star population. Furthermore, these objects are hotter than one would expect from simple cooling models, and heating from magnetic field decay is discussed as one explanation. Previous accretion from a supernova fallback disk might be another option to explain the properties of these X-ray pulsars.Together with my collaborators I have worked on population synthesis models to explain the observed number of these neutron stars and to identify sky regions where we expect to find more of these objects. A webtool of our population synthesis can be found here. Using the absorption of their thermal X-rays we were able to obtain distance constraints for some of the Magnificent Seven. We also investigated the Magnificent Seven at other wavelengths in order to understand their overall peculiar nature.

Substellar Companions of  Neutron Stars

The very first extrasolar planets which were discovered were planets around a pulsar. Many radio pulsars are very reliable "clocks", their radio pulses are very regular. If such a pulsar has a companion object, the effects of gravitation lead to distortions in the pulse regularity. Modeling these pulse irregularities one can infer the properties of the companion object.Through this indirect method the first pulsar planets were discovered.We tried to detect possible companions directly. A warm companion is expected to be detectable in the Infrared and can be identified in multi-epoch images by its co-motion with the (normally fast moving) pulsar in the sky plane. The current instrumentation allows to probe only the closest and reasonably young neutron stars for such companions. So far, we have investigated several epochs of four neutron stars using ESO's Very Large Telescope. The image on the left shows the pixel shifts of objects in the field of RX J1856.5-3754. They were obtained by comparing the positions of these sources in two observing epochs. The red point marks the pixel shift an object would have which moves with the known pulsar proper motion. Since no such source was found we concluded that RX J1856.5-3754 has no companion with a mass larger than 11 Jupiter masses. 

The X-ray Emission of Old Pulsars

When pulsars get older their spin-down energy rates get less. Still, they have enough energy to produce (faint) X-ray emission. Surprisingly, they seem to convert more efficiently the available energy into X-rays than most younger pulsars do (shown left). Whether this X-ray emission comes solely from particles in their magnetospheres or if there is a contribution from their polar caps which are heated by returning particles is not fully understood. It is, however, an interesting question because it tests our models on how the magnetospheres as well as the heating & cooling of the neutron star surface work.My collaborators and I have investigated several old radio pulsars in X-rays. There are now indications for several of these objects that their X-ray emission includes a thermal component from the surface. Recently, we detected X-ray pulsations from a close radio pulsar which is the oldest (170 Myr) one with an X-ray detection so far. It follows the trend of an higher-than-usual X-ray efficiency and also has a likely thermal component in its X-ray spectrum.

Multi-wavelength Identification and Classification of High-Energy Sources

There are many high-energy (TeV, gamma-ray, X-ray) sources  whose "identity" we don't know. Hidden among them can be rare source types or even completely unknown, new classes of objects. Many though have counterparts at other (radio, infrared, visible) wavelengths, and one can employ such multi-wavelength data to identify and classify sources. 

One example is shown on the left. In the outskirts of the TeV-source HESS J1809−193, the Suzaku Satellite detected prominent extended X-ray emission (white contours), centered on the compact X-ray source J1811 . Chandra X-ray observations (image) a few years later revealed that J1811 apparently is a transient X-ray source and resolved the extended emission into several point sources. Using multi-wavelength data, we were able to classify several of these point sources (one, for example, is a low-mass X-ray binary). Yet, the energetic source of the northeast extension of HESS J1809−193 remains a mystery and is currently considered to be one of the rare so-called dark accelerators – a TeV source without visible counterpart at lower energies.

I also participate in the "Chasing the Identification of ASCA Galactic Objects" (ChIcAGO) survey where we aim to identify about 100 unknown X-ray sources discovered during the ASCA Galactic Plane Survey. First, we obtain accurate positions using the superb resolution of the Chandra X-ray satellite, then employ multi-wavelength data bases, and, finally, obtain new sensitive photometry and spectroscopy observations at near-infrared and optical wavelengths in order to identify and classify potential counterparts.

Star Formation and Young Stellar Objects

I also worked in high-mass star formation (HMSF), doing a multi-wavelength analysis of suspected HMSF regions. We found some very interesting molecular cloud cores with young protostars or young stellar objects (YSOs) having powerful bipolar outflows. Besides in follow-up observations on these regions, I have also participated in multi-wavelengths campaigns to investigate whether the fluxes and possible variability (e.g., from accretion or flares) of YSOs are correlated for the respective wavelengths. One of these campaigns was the near-simultaneous monitoring in the  X-ray, radio, near-infrared, and optical of YSOs in the Coronet cluster (shown left). No time-correlated multi-wavelength variability was found which led to the conclusion that accretion is not an important source for the X-ray emission of these YSOs.