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Polio and Post Polio Syndrome

What is Polio?

Polio/Poliomyelitis is a virus that attacks the nervous system.It causes flu like symptoms but can also affect the brain and spinal cord. It can also cause paralysis, muscle weakness and shrinking.

It is very contagious and spreads from person to person. It is also known as Infantile Paralysis as it was mainly affecting children.

Since the vaccines were developed in the 1950's by Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin and mass immunisations took place Polio has all but disappeared in most countries. Currently as of Dec 2020 there are 2 countries where the wild polio virus still exists Afghanistan and Pakistan.

It is also possible to contract it from the vaccine or if coming into contact with feces from someone who have recently been vaccinated .e.g. a child or baby.

There is much more information on the Wikipedia Polio page:

What is Post Polio Syndrome?

Post Polio Syndrome is a condition that can affect people who have had polio in the past.

Some of the symptoms of Polio return or get worse many years or decades after the original polio infection.

It can also present with extreme fatigue, muscle and joint pain and sleep apnoea

There is currently no cure but symptoms can be managed and supported.

More information including a guide produced by the British Polio Fellowship can be found on the following webpage:

Edited August 2021