

Multiple fully-funded Ph.D. positions are available at the Computational Intelligence Lab (CIL), University of Memphis. Students with a background in speech processing using neural networks/machine learning are particularly encouraged to apply. Details.

June 2024. A paper from CIL is published in Sensors journal.

December 2023. A paper from CIL receives the Best Paper Award at the NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Gaze Meets ML.

October 2023. A paper from CIL is accepted for oral presentation at the NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Gaze Meets ML.

August 2023. Dr. Bonny Banerjee receives a grant from the Army.

February 2023. A paper from CIL is published in IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems.

January 2023. A paper from CIL is published in Scientific Reports, Nature.

August 2022. Dr. Bonny Banerjee receives a grant from the Department of Homeland Security.

August 2022. A paper from CIL is accepted for publication in Artificial Intelligence Review, Springer Nature.

June 2022. A paper from CIL is accepted at Interspeech 2022.

May 2022. Congratulations to Murchana Baruah for receiving the award for Outstanding PhD Graduate in Computer Engineering 2022!

March 2022. Congratulations to Murchana Baruah for defending her PhD dissertation! She will join a well-funded startup near Seattle, WA.

January 2022. A paper from CIL is accepted for publication in IEEE Access.

October 2021. A book chapter from CIL is accepted for publication by Elsevier.

December 2020. A paper from CIL is accepted at SDM21. Acceptance rate 21.25%.

April 2020. A paper from CIL is accepted at CogSci 2020.

January 2020. Dr. Bonny Banerjee is invited to join the editorial board of Neural Networks, Elsevier.

December 2019. Congratulations to MH Kapourchali for defending her PhD dissertation from CIL! She will join Electrical & Computer Engineering at Johns Hopkins University as a postdoc.

November 2019. A paper from CIL is accepted at AAAI-20. Acceptance rate 20.56%.

February 2019. A paper from CIL is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence.

February 2019. A paper from CIL is accepted for publication in Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier.

January 2019. A paper from CIL is accepted for publication in Speech Communication, Elsevier.

May 2018. A paper from CIL is accepted for publication in the IEEE Internet of Things Journal.

April 2018. A paper from CIL is accepted at CogSci 2018.

January 2018. A paper from CIL is accepted for publication in Frontiers in Psychology (Cognitive Science section, Editor James L. McClelland).

December 2017. Dr. Bonny Banerjee is issued U.S. patent no. 9,844,326 as primary inventor.

November 2017. Congratulations to Shamima Najnin for defending her PhD dissertation! She completed her PhD in 4 years 4 months from CIL (including a 9-month internship at Intel). She will join Intel at Hillsboro, OR.

May 2017. Dr. Bonny Banerjee is issued U.S. patent no. 9,666,181.

May 2017. A paper from CIL is accepted for publication in Speech Communication, Elsevier.

January 2017. Dr. Bonny Banerjee is issued U.S. patent no. 9,553,984.

November 2016: Dr. Bonny Banerjee is designated as "Smart City Research Fellow" by the University of Memphis.

September 2016. A paper from CIL is accepted at ICMLA 2016. Acceptance rate 24.69%.

August 2016. Congratulations to Jayanta Dutta for defending his PhD dissertation! He completed his MS and PhD in 4 years 8 months from CIL. He will join Robert Bosch at Palo Alto, CA as a researcher.

April 2016. Dr. Bonny Banerjee is issued U.S. patent no. 9,319,812 as primary inventor.

August 2015. A paper from CIL is accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE).

July 2015. A paper from CIL is accepted for publication in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.

November 2014. A paper from CIL is accepted at AAAI-15. Acceptance rate 26.67%.

June 2014. Dr. Bonny Banerjee is issued U.S. patent no. 8,755,533 as primary inventor.

July 2013. Dr. Bonny Banerjee will present a talk at the AAAI Fall Symposium on How Should Intelligence be Abstracted in AI Research: MDPs, Symbolic Representations, Artificial Neural Networks, or — ? to be held in November.

April 2013. Dr. Bonny Banerjee is issued U.S. patent no. 8,433,568. 

March 2013. Dr. Bonny Banerjee is issued U.S. patent no. 8,401,199 as primary inventor. 

December 2012. A paper from CIL is accepted for publication in the Neurocomputing journal.  

September 2012. A paper from CIL is accepted for publication in the Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence.

August 2012. Dr. Bonny Banerjee receives NSF grant award as PI. He started his academic career at the University of Memphis from fall 2011 and had submitted this proposal within six months.

Bonny Banerjee, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Institute for Intelligent Systems and Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering

University of Memphis

208B Engineering Science Building 

Memphis, TN 38152, USA

Email:   Bonny Banerjee @ yahoo.com   (remove the spaces)


Ph.D. Computer & Information Science (major AI), The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA

M.S. Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA

B.E. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India


The goal of Dr. Banerjee's research is to understand how perception and action give rise to cognition from a computational perspective and use that knowledge to build artificial systems that can perceive, act, reason and learn from spatiotemporal data in multiple modalities. His research exists at the confluence of artificial intelligence, machine learning, cognitive science, and computational neuroscience, with applications to the Internet of Things, healthcare, transportation, security and surveillance.

             He directs the Computational Intelligence Laboratory (CIL). His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Department of Homeland Security, the Army, and the City of Memphis.

Selected Publications (Student co-authors are marked with * )

A complete list of publications and patents … 


Multiple fully-funded Ph.D. positions are available at the Computational Intelligence Lab, University of Memphis. Students with a background in speech processing using neural networks/machine learning are particularly encouraged to apply. Details.