指導老師 (Principal Investigator)

林彥亨 教授 (Yen-Heng Lin, Professor)

電話(TEL): 03-2118800 ext. 3789 (Office) & 5608 (Lab)

Email: yenheng@mail.cgu.edu.tw

實驗室: 生醫光電微流體晶片實驗室 (工學院4樓)

Lab:Biomedical Optofluidic Lab (Engineering building, 4F)


成功大學工程科學博士 (2006.09 ~2009.07)

成功大學工程科學碩士 (2000.09 ~2002.07)

成功大學工程科學學士 (1996.09 ~2000.07)


長庚大學生物醫學工程系, 教授 (2022.08 ~迄今)

長庚大學醫療機電所/電子工程系, 副教授 (2015.08 ~2022.07)

長庚大學電子工程系, 助理教授 (2010.08 ~2015.07)

長庚大學生醫工程研究中心, 博士後研究員 (2009.08 ~2010.07)

鈺德科技股份有限公司, 副研究員 (2002.08 ~2003.06)


生醫晶片設計及製作 / Biochip design, fabrication

超快速PCR微流體平台 /Ultra-fast PCR microfluidic platform

微機電製程技術 / MEMS fabrication

光介電泳操控平台 / Optoelectronic tweezers


Yen-Heng Lin was born in Taichung, Taiwan, 1978. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Department of Engineering Science from National Cheng Kung University in 2002 and 2009, respectively. In 2002, he joined U-Tech Media Corporation, Taoyuan, Taiwan, where he has been engaged in the development of the mass-producing process of biochip. In 2009, he joined Chang Gung university as a postdoctoral researcher in Bio-Medical Engineering Research Center. Since 2010, he has been with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Chang Gung University as an Assistant professor. His research interests are focused on bio-MEMS, microfluidics, fabrication of nano-scale sensing device, optically-induced dielectrophoresis and its bio-medical applications.