

(24) “Steering the H2CSO sulfine's photochemistry with few-cycle pulses: A computational study”, contributed presentation at the sympusium "From atomistic to subatomistic computational simulations" in Namur, May 2019

(23) “Steering the H2CSO sulfine's photochemistry with few-cycle pulses: A computational study”, Seminar at the university of Durham , February 2019

(22) “Steering the H2CSO sulfine's photochemistry with few-cycle pulses: A computational study”, Seminar at the university of Edinburgh, February 2019


(21) “Characterization of the secondary structure of gas phase artificial molecular machines with ion-mobility mass spectrometry and molecular modeling ”, contributed presentation at the 256th ACS (American Chemical Society) National Meeting in Boston, USA, August 2018

(20) “Role of the Super Atom Molecular Orbital (SAMO) electronic states in the strong field photoionization of fullerenes”, contributed presentationat the 256th ACS (American Chemical Society) National Meeting in Boston, USA, August 2018

(19) “Modeling the electron-nuclear dynamics induced by attosecond and femtosecond pulses in molecules with XFAIMS”, contributed presentation at the 256th ACS (American Chemical Society) National Meeting in Boston, USA, August 2018

(18) “Role of the rich athermal ground-state chemistry in the photochemistry of the thioformaldehyde S-oxide sulfine”, contributed presentation at the 256th ACS (American Chemical Society) National Meeting in Boston, USA, August 2018

(17) “Modeling the electron-nuclear dynamics induced by attosecond and femtosecond laser pulses in molecules with XFAIMS”, contributed presentation at the QNO18 - Quantum and nonlinear optics in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February 2018.

(16) “Modeling the electron-nuclear dynamics induced by short laser pulses in molecules”, contributed presentation at the 13th edition of the Quantum Chemistry in Belgium meeting in Brussels, January 2018.

(15) “Exploring the thioformaldehyde S-oxide sulfine photochemistry and its photoexcitation by ultrashort laser pulses”, contributed presentation at the 4th Virtual Winter School on Computational Chemistry, January 2018.


(14) “Modeling the electron-nuclear dynamics induced by attosecond and few-cycle femtosecond laser pulses in molecules with XFAIMS”, contributed presentation at the ATTO17 conference in Xi’an (China), July 2017.

(13) “Modeling the electron-nuclear dynamics induced by attosecond and few-cycle femtosecond laser pulses in molecules with XFAIMS”, seminar at the university of Bristol, June 2017.

(12) “Modeling the electron-nuclear dynamics induced by short laser pulses in molecules with the Ab-Initio Multiple Spawning (XFAIMS) method”, invited presentation at the Computational Chemistry symposium at the ICCMSE 2017 conference in Tessaloniki, April 2017.

(11) “Modeling the photoexcitation and photochemistry of H2CSO sulfine”, contributed presentation at the 4th XLIC general meeting in Prague, March 2017.


(10) “Laser-Induced Ab-initio Multiple Spawning for electron-nuclear dynamics triggered by short laser pulses”, seminar at Stanford (USA), August 2016.

(9) “In Silico Photochemistry of the Thioformaldehyde S-oxide Sulfine. Beyond the Initial Ultrafast Decay", contributed presentation at the CECAM conference (Different Routes to Quantum Molecular Dynamics) in Lausanne, June 2016.

(8) “Control of electronic dynamics visualized by angularly resolved photoelectron spectra in LiH, PENNA and C60”, invited presentation at the Computational Chemistry symposium at the ICCMSE 2016 conference in Athens, March 2016.

(7) “Ultrafast molecular dynamics induced by attopulses", presentation at the Quantum Chemistry in Belgium conference (QCB12) in Leuven, February 2016


(6) “Control of attosecond electronic dynamics in molecules", contributed presentation at the Xlic (XUV/X-ray light and fast ion for ultrafast chemistry) COST meeting of London, July 2014.

(5) "Control of Electronic Dynamics Visualized by Angularly Resolved Photoelectron Spectra: An IR Pump-XUV Attopulse Train Probe Dynamical Simulation", contributed presentation (“hot topic”) at the Gordon Research conference on photoionization & photodetachment in Galveston (Texas), February 2014


(4) “Probing rapidly ionizing super-atom molecular orbitals (SAMO) in fullerenes”. Contributed presentation at the doctoral school SIQUANTA, Paris (France), May 2013.

(3) “Probing Rapidly Ionizing Super-Atom Molecular Orbitals in Fullerenes: A Computational and fs Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study”, seminar at the University of Rostock (Germany), January 2013.


(2) “Theoretical study of the superatom molecular orbitals of C60-C70”. Contributed presentation at Atmol International Workshop: Imaging and manipulating molecular orbitals, Berlin (Germany), September 2012.


(1) “Stereocontrol of attosecond time-scale electron dynamics in ABCU using ultrafast laser pulses: a computational study”, Contributed presentation at the Groupe de contact F.N.R.S Atomes, molécules et radiation, Liege (Belgium), November 2011.