Recursos python

En linux si tienes instalado el programa pip3, puedes buscar desde la terminal las

librerias python que usen una tortuga Logo, desde tu terminal.

mario@Mandarina:~$ pip3 search turtle numpy-turtle (0.1) - Turtle graphics with NumPy turtle (0.0.2) - Turtle is an HTTP proxy whose purpose is to throttle connections to specific hostnames to avoid breaking terms of usage of those API providers (like, technorati and so on). pycopy-turtle (0.0.0) - Dummy turtle module for Pycopy sklearn-utils-turtle (0.4.1) - ybc-tuya (1.2.30) - Turtle to draw. TurtleLexer (0.1) - A Turtle lexer for Pygments turtles (1.0.0) - endlessly frobbable turtles turtle100 (1.0.0) - 100 turtle shape mobilechelonian (0.5) - Turtles in the Jupyter Notebook turtleplus (0.1) - An upgraded version of the 'turtle' PhysicalTurtle (0.4) - Physical characteristics for turtle graphics turtleart (0.2) - Library to facilitate Turtle Art cturtle (0.0.6) - A ctypes interface to the TURTLE library qturtle (0.5.0) - Python turtle graphics in Qt. turtlepaint (0.0.1) - Program for drawing things with turtle. turtl-backup (0.1.1) - Tool to backup a turtl account. otsrdflib (0.5.0) - Ordered Turtle Serializer for rdflib ttlser (1.0.0) - Deterministic turtle serialization for rdflib. turtlepower (0.1) - A tool for advanced use of the turtle module spiro (0.1.2) - Module to draw spirographs with turtle graphics turgles (0.1) - An OpenGL ES renderer for LOGO style turtles. ipyturtle (0.2.0) - Creating Turtle Geometry in IPython (Jupyter Widget) ninjaturtle (0.1) - A re-implementation of python stdlib's turtle module nxturtle (1.0.3) - Implementation of a Python turtle for LEGO Mindstorms NXT pyontutils (0.1.2) - utilities for working with the NIF ontology, SciGraph, and turtle turtle3D (0.1) - A pakage to draw 3D models with the python turtle frog (2.2.1) - Improved and extended turtle graphics like module PyArtist (0.5.1) - A Python library for Python-learners to draw pictures by "turtle" ColabTurtle (2.0.0) - An HTML based Turtle implementation, in order to work in Google Colab (1.0.0) - An alternative to Python's standard turtle package with some extra functions. mockturtle (0.1.6) - mockturtle is the command-line interface to the Turtle Services private network, logopy (0.0.4) - LogoPy: An implementation of the Logo programming language in Python with TK and SVG turtle back ends. tinysvg (0.0.3) - tinysvg is a thin implementation of svg within python along with simple turtle graphics. Not production stable. curser (1.0.1) - curser is a module based and complementary to pygame: an turtle implementation for the pygame module. With appeareance,control,drawing,orientation and coordinates retrieving functions. PyWireframe (0.5.0) - PyreFrame is a wireframe 3D graphics engine which uses turtle graphics. It is highly inefficient, unrealistic, and does not support rotation of any kind. french-logo (0.1.1) - french-logo: La classe Tortue retourne une émulation de logo, basée sur le module turtle et en français turtl (0.1.1) - Turtl is an HTTP proxy whose purpose is to throttle connections to specific hostnames to avoid breaking terms of usage of those API providers (like, technorati and so on). coloradd (0.1) - This is the color increase command that matches the turtle drawing command.配&#2 1512;Python海龟画图&#2 1629;令使用的颜& #33394;增加模块&#12290