Black Rock Dunes Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You must really hate Burning Man, why don't you go away?

Actually, I enjoy Burning Man quite a bit and tell most people that it something they need to experience. Also, Burning Man came to me, though not by many years. I was enjoying the Black Rock Desert just fine in 1989 without Burning Man. Burning Man is a fairly unique experience that has some unfortunate side effects. The Burning Man organization has successfully met many of the challenges of the growing event. This is a bigger challenge.

What's the point of this site?

I started out looking for photos of dunes from before 2000. I've only found the 1970 photo, which is likely from Michael Heizer's land art. It turns out that it is almost impossible to prove a negative - that there were no dunes before a certain date.  However, I've looked high and low and have only found the 1970 photo.

What do you propose?

A number of things, including changing from "Leave No Trace", doing studies and considering purchasing brown land elsewhere.