Quotes: Repair Prices



This is something I found on the internet............***see at the bottom of this page

These prices reflect the opinion/perception of the editor of guitarrepairshop.com. while these are prices one could expect from a quality repair shop, repair rates can vary. A full time repairman can have as much training time and investment in tools as any mechanic. Shop overhead costs are on par with those of any other profession, so if you take your instrument to a professional shop, expect to pay professional rates. And expect professional work. While this list reflects prices one would expect to pay at a professional shop, rates will vary. Expect to pay by the hour for some extensive restoration jobs. Prices updated January 2010





SET UP $75.00+ Strings Includes Neck adjust, action adjustment at nut and saddle, minor fret work, tighten tuner screws and nuts, lubricate tuning machines, general clean up, restring.(12 string - add $25.00)

NEW NUT- $75.00 may or may not include raw material. If your guitar has worn frets, a bowed neck, or an ill fitting saddle, expect additional cost to correct these problems. Many repairman will not install a new nut if other problems are not also addressed.(12 string - add $25.00)

NEW SADDLE- $50.00 may or may not include raw material. Same qualifications as with "new nut".

RE-GLUE BRIDGE- $100.00 Remove and refit old bridge. Very minor touchup included.(12 string bridge- add $25.00) .

REPLACE BRIDGE- $100.00 + cost of factory made bridge ,approx. $30.00 + cost of new saddle (sometimes). (12 string bridge - add $25.00)

HANDMADE BRIDGE- $250.00 and up, by quote. Handmade bridges may be neccasary for vintage Gibson, Martin, Guild, and custom bridge replacements.

REPLACE TUNERS- $50 and up. Seems like a simple job, but can he fraut with nuanced complications.

FRET LEVELING ("Filing", "Dressing"...) $100.00 and up. Worn or uneven frets can he filed level in many cases, if there will remain enough height on the fret to suit the customer. Frets must be lowered to the height of the lowest pit that can be found. Sometimes, replacing the most worn frets is appropriate. Includes "set up" adjustments.Add $25.00 for finished maple fretboards.

RE-FRET- $250.00 Add $50 for fretboards with binding. Add $50.00 for finished maple fretboards.Individual frets $10.00 plus leveling and/or set up costs. New nut or saddle may be necesary. Shop minimum may also apply.(Add $25.00 for 12 String)

NECK RE-SET- $300.00 and up. Remove neck. Re-cut heel/body angle to correct high action. Replace neck. New saddle often included, but new nut often extra. Additional fret work and bridge work may also be necessary.(Add $25.00 for 12 string)

CRACK REPAIR- $25 per inch or by quote (particularly for shattered areas). Includes glue and brush touchup with appropriate finish. Cleating (installing small patches of wood inside guitar to reinforce repair) as necessary. Repairs often not invisible.

HEADSTOCK CRACK- $150.00 and up, by quote. Glue, seal and re-finish area. Repairs often not invisible, but finish should be smooth.

INSTALL "UNDER SADDLE" PICK UP - $75.00 - 150.00. Expand endpin hole to accommodate jack. Wire pickup to pre-amp and jack. Fit and re-size old saddle for proper action and contact with pickup. May require new saddle and re-rout of saddle slot(additional). There are other variables relating to pre-amps which must be individually quoted. Condition of bridge and neck angle may be factors in the appropriateness of an under the saddle pickup.



SET UP $75.00+ Strings Includes Neck adjust, action adjustment at nut and saddle, minor fret work, tighten tuner screws and nuts, lubricate tuning machines, general clean up, restring. Floating tremelo, Floyd Rose style may cause higher rates

NEW NUT- $75.00 may or may not include raw material. If your guitar has worn frets, a bowed neck, or an ill fitting saddle, expect additional cost to correct these problems. Many repairman will not install a new nut if other problems are not also addressed.

REPLACE TUNERS- $50 and up. Seems like a simple job, but can he fraut with nuanced complications.

FRET LEVELING ("Filing", "Dressing"...) $100.00 and up. Worn or uneven frets can he filed level in many cases, if there will remain enough height on the fret to suit the customer (and practical playability). Frets must be lowered to the height of the lowest pit that can be found. Sometimes, replacing the most worn frets is appropriate. Includes "set up" adjustments.

RE-FRET- $250.00 Add $50 for fretboards with binding. Individual frets $10.00 plus leveling and or set up costs in some cases. New nut or saddle may be necesary. Shop minimum may also apply.

HEADSTOCK CRACK- $150.00 and up, by quote. Glue, touchup. Repairs often not invisible, but finish should be smooth

FINISH TOUCH UP-$50.00 and up, by quote.

DIAGNOSE ELECTRICAL PROBLEM-Shop minimum Most shops will charge a minimum to diagnose electrical problems if work is not performed. Time is money.

REPLACE JACK-$25.00 plus part Note: Archtop guitars will often incur $50.00 upcharge to remove and re-install wiring harness for all electrical work.

REPLACE PICKUP-$50.00 per pickup

REPLACE VOLUME/TONE POT -$25.00 per part, plus part

ROUT NEW POCKET-$50.00 PLUS install pickup price

REPLACE SWITCH-$25.00- $50.00 per switch, plus part.


I reprinted this without permission but it was offered free to the public on:


The above prices are just suggestions my prices vary and are usually lower.