About Me

"Innovations in computerized assessment" have influenced organizations in terms of recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, and training processes. As a Help Desk Consultant with over six years of experience with computers and network administration, Ben-Roy is interested in issues related to the application of technology in the workplace

His primary research focuses on personnel selection and staffing, job performance and evaluation, personality, integrity, and cognitive performance, talent assessment, and psychometrics.

Ben-Roy has conducted studies on 

(1) personnel selection and staffing (e.g., equivalence of proctored and unproctored Internet testing; two-step testing (unproctored screening - proctored confirmation), intralingual equivalence on unproctored cognitive tests), 

(2) job performance and performance evaluation (e.g., organizational citizenship and counterproductive behaviors, skills evaluation over time; decision making across life skills constructs). 

(3) personality, integrity, and cognitive performance, particularly test security issues such as cheating and test coaching (e.g., item preknowledge on test performance; test administration modes on item memorization; individual differences in cheating ability and likelihood; using response time to detect item preknowledge),

(4) talent assessment and psychometrics, such as using item response theory (IRT) on computerized adaptive testing (CAT) and multi-stage testing (MST) applications (e.g., range restriction on item parameter recovery; anchor item on item parameter recovery; two-step testing).

His work was mentioned in the Science Watch by APA Monitor on Psychology (2005), and his research has been presented at top professional conferences, such as Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) and National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME).

NOTES TO RECRUITERS: Thanks for your interest in me. As I am not a U.S. citizen, please check your organization about sponsoring work authorization. Thank you, and good luck!
