4) CV

Benoit Nabholz

Since 2012, I have a permanent position as "Maître de conférence" (half research/half teaching) in Evolutionary Genomics at the university Montpellier in ISEM institute in the Phylogeny and molecular evolution group. I did my PhD in the Institute of Evolutionary Science of Montpellier (ISEM), France, where I studied the population genetics and molecular evolution of mammals and birds mitochondrial genome. Following that, I did a post-doc (2008-2010) in the Evolutionary Genomics group of Hans Ellegren where I focused on birds molecular evolution. In 2011, I came back in Montpellier to work as post-doc in the ARCAD project to work on the comparative population genomics section.


2020-2025 : Junior member of IUF

Since Septembre 2012 : Associate professor (Maître de conférence) in Evolutionary genomic at University Montpellier

Janvier 2011-2012 : Post-doct of the Agropolis fondation working for the ARCAD project on the population genomic of African rice domestication

2009-2011: Post-doct in the Hans Ellegren lab working on the molecular evolution of birds

2005-2008: PhD in Evolutionary biology at the University of Montpellier II. Under the supervision of Nicolas Galtier and Sylvain Glémin. Title : Evolutionary dynamic of mitochondrial DNA in birds and mammals : Mutation, Selection and population size

2003-2005: Master degree at the University of Montpellier II. Titre of second year internship : Influence of ecology and life-history traits on the level of genetic polymorphisme.

2002-2003 : Licence degree in population biology and ecology at the University of Montpellier II.

PUBLICATIONS (click on the link)


Teaching genomics, genetics, entomology and statistics at université de Montpellier : https://biologie-ecologie.com/departement/

Red-throated pipit, Anthus cervinus, Varangerfjord, Norway, Juin 2010