
Peter Nester Experience

Pete Nester began his mostly acoustic-based music while learning Beatles and Stones covers, being drawn equally to the singer/songwriting, blues, and experimental aspects of their '60's recordings. He employs a percussive style to his guitar rhythms not unlike what is heard on 1970's era Talking Heads. Not afraid to shy away from the electronic realm, he has recently collaborated with AViD/MHC to bring together organic sounds and modern production. Over the past decade, he has performed live as part of Skinny Knockdown, Yellow #5, The Blue Lemons, The Sneez, as well as in a solo acoustic setting. Recently, he has performed mostly in the Ithaca, NY area, often in support of members of the Horseflies. His song "Carousel" was recently featured in an advertisement for skin cream. That last sentence is untrue.

Upcoming releases:

"Dunmore Throop" EP -TBA, 2009