
Experimental rooms

- We have a specialised audio-visual room for presenting wide angle stimuli with

Visual: Optoma GT1080E projector, Grandview Fixed Frame acoustically transparent 7 ft screen

Sound: 17 x Vistaon SC5 speakers, 9 x LEPY 2024A stereo amplifiers

PC: QuietPC Serenity, with dual USB Focusrite 18i20 soundcards and a NVIDIA GTX 980 graphics card and Oculus Rift virtual reality setup

- Psychology also has experimental cubicles for e.g. decision making experiments


- 2 Dual Xeon workstation with a total of 36 CPU cores for heavy computational modeling, including a NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2060

Software Tools

- Main software is Matlab, with Psychtoolbox, Cogent 2000 and PsychoPy for doing experiments

- Students have done projects in Python, Java, R etc.

- Recently we have also used Bayesian programming toolboxes such as OpenBUGS, JAGS & STAN