
YAFU history

YAFU started out as (what else) an attempt to calculate Pi to millions of decimal places. To do this, I realized, I would need some arbitrary arithmatic. So fooled around with string types in C until I found Numerical recipes in C, which had code for a crude AP library. This progressed, and I now think my AP math code is pretty good, but nowhere near state-of-the-art. I never did finish a fast program for large pi computation, because I got distracted by factorization.

I'm not sure at what point I got interested in factoring, but once I did I was hooked and now here we are. I've been fooling around with the code for nearly 6 years now, but only seriously trying to make good factorization routines for about the last 2 or 3.

Maybe it would be fun to track the progess I've made over the years: