
Resco Hack for Manila 2.5.19211619.0

Made after 12aon original batch for G-Alarm. This hack will load resco photo manager instead of HtcAlbum in Sense 2.5. With it, you'll have this behaviour: clicking on a photo Resco will open with that photo; clicking on "Album" left softkey will open Resco with the default folder you have configured inside resco itself.

You can either use the this batch or follow the tutorial below to do it yourself

(if you like my work, you can send me a "thank you")

1. - copy your 6967589d_manila from ppc \windows to pc

2. - use Co0kie LuaTool to decompile it with this command line:

luatool /d 6967589d_manila

3. - open the created 6967589d_manila.lua in notepad

4. - edit this section, changing the green parts accordingly to your needs and inserting the red ones as they are below:

ViewCurrentFileInAlbum = function(l_6_0, l_6_1)

local l_6_2 = nil

if l_6_1 ~= nil then

l_6_2 = gDataModule:GetImageFilePath(l_6_1)


l_6_2 = GetCurrentFilePath()


gAlbumLog("View File. bVideo = " .. tostring(l_6_0) .. ", " .. l_6_2)

if l_6_0 == false then

Shell_NavigateTo("\\Scheda di memoria\\Programmi\\Resco Photo Manager\\PhotoMan.exe", "" .. l_6_2)

elseif gDataModule ~= nil then

gDataModule:CreateProcess("\\windows\\HTCVideoPlayer.exe", "-F \"" .. l_6_2 .. "\"")






LSKFunction = function()


if gDataModule ~= nil then

if _application.EnableFullScreen == false then

Shell_NavigateTo("\\Scheda di memoria\\Programmi\\Resco Photo Manager\\Photoman.exe", "")


Shell_NavigateTo("\\Scheda di memoria\\Programmi\\Resco Photo Manager\\Photoman.exe", "")




5. - recompile with Co0kie LuaTool with this command line:

luatool /c -s 6967589d_manila.lua

6. - rename 6967589d_manila.luac to 6967589d_manila

7. - copy it back to ppc \windows

8. - soft reset

DIY TV Guide on your device with XMLTV+PTVL

If you want a decent guide TV on your phone, the better solution (the only one, i'd say, at least here in Italy) is do-it-yourself (DIY). The result is what you see in image. Here's the step by step guide (for any device and any resolution). The configuration is for Italy, but can be adjusted to any country supported by XMLTV

1. Download and install PocketTVListing (both on PC and device) from HERE

2. Download XMLTV.rar from HERE and decompress it in the same PC folder where PTVL has been installed (usually C:\Program Files\Thumbs Up!\Pocket TV Listings).

3. (only if you have a WVGA device) download PTVL_WVGA.zip, and decompress in phone folder where you have installed PTVL PPC (Usually \SDCard\Programs\PTVL). It's my WVGA skin, without which the app shows bad on 480x800. If you have a localized ROM other than italian, rename PTVL.exe.0410.MUI to PTVL.exe.(YourCountryCode).MUI


XMLTV is already configured to receive these channels: RaiUno, RaiDue, RaiTre, RaiQuattro, Rete4, Canale5, Italia1, La7, Joi, Mya, Steel, Premium Cinema, Studio Universal, Premium Emotions, Premium Energy, Iris. If it's good for you, go to 6); if you want to change, add, delete them, go to 5).

5.1. If you are not in Italy, you have to use the appropriate grabber. Inside the distribution package there are those for CH, EU, HU, UK. Other are online: refer to XMLTV Wiki to download te appropriate one and put it into \share\xmltv\ folder that is inside the PC folder where PTVL has been installed (usually C:\Program Files\Thumbs Up!\Pocket TV Listings).

5.2. Open in notpad the file config.bat you'll find inside the PC folder where PTVL has been installed (usually C:\Program Files\Thumbs Up!\Pocket TV Listings), and modify tv_grab_it with your grabber name

5.3. run config.bat you'll find inside the PC folder where PTVL has been installed (usually C:\Program Files\Thumbs Up!\Pocket TV Listings) and follow onscreen instructions. This way you'll be able to choose all the channels you want.

6. The app is configured to download TV Guide for today and next 6 days. If you're not happy with this, edit xm.bat you'll find inside the PC folder where PTVL has been installed (usually C:\Program Files\Thumbs Up!\Pocket TV Listings) and change --days 7 --offset 0 to what you want (offset means from when you want to download the TV Guide: 0 is today, 1 tomorrow and so on).

7. Run xm.bat you'll find inside the PC folder where PTVL has been installed (usually C:\Program Files\Thumbs Up!\Pocket TV Listings). Wait for download completion.

8. If you've modifyed something at 5) go to 9), otherwise go to 10).

9. Edit file canali.txt you'll find inside the PC folder where PTVL has been installed (usually C:\Program Files\Thumbs Up!\Pocket TV Listings). Using the same syntax as you'll see inside hte file, compile the list of channels added/deleted/modified at 5). The order doesn't matter (you'll reorder on PPC).

10. Open in notepad the file canali.txt you'll find inside the PC folder where PTVL has been installed (usually C:\Program Files\Thumbs Up!\Pocket TV Listings). Select all and copy (ctrl+C).

11. Open in notepad the file GuidaTV.xml you'll find inside the PC folder where PTVL has been installed (usually C:\Program Files\Thumbs Up!\Pocket TV Listings). The first data section is the channels one, and will appear this way:

<channel id="www.canale5.com">

<display-name>Canale 5</display-name>


<icon src="http://guidatv.sky.it/app/guidatv/images/epgimages/channels/grid/105_grid.gif" />


<channel id="www.italia1.com">

<display-name>Italia 1</display-name>


<icon src="http://guidatv.sky.it/app/guidatv/images/epgimages/channels/grid/106_grid.gif" />





<channel id="joi.mediasetpremium.mediaset.it">



Delete all this section and paste what you have copied from file canali.txt (this since XMLTV uses a syntax different from the une used by PTVL, and so the only way is to modify by hand).

12. Save and run WebLink.exe you'll find inside the PC folder where PTVL has been installed (usually C:\Program Files\Thumbs Up!\Pocket TV Listings). At first use probably you'll be asked to update (and you'll update).

13. DO NOT click "Start", but in "Menu/tools" use "Convert XML file(s)", and select as file to convert that GuidaTV.xml you have just modified.

14. Once finished, close weblink. If you've done everything right, connect the device and ActiveSync will sync the database on your PPC

15. On your device run PTVL. If you have a WVGA screen, from listings/setup/appearance choose as skin "Black WVGA", otherwise choose what applies to your device; then from listings/setup/channels reorder channels as you like.

Finished: it's harder to explain it than to do

(if you like my work, you can send me a "thank you")