Hacker's vacations

You plan your vacations to an idyllic (Greek) island. You know that there are $m$ gorgeous beaches, $b_1,\dots,b_m$, that you want to visit.

You are considering $n$ possible locations for staying, $l_1,\dots,l_n$.

Your choice will be based solely upon proximity to the beaches.

In our case, proximity could be defined as the min/max or mean distance to a beach.

I wrote a Google Maps application to solve this problem. You can find it as an attachment.

First, you specify the positions of the beaches by clicking on the map; for each beach you get a corresponding marker.

Then you specify the candidate locations for staying.

To do that you click on a location twice; once to create the corresponding marker and then once more to make it a location for staying.

You can see the statistics for a location by placing the mouse on top of the corresponding marker.

To delete a marker you click on it three times (first click creates a marker, second click makes it a location, and the third one deletes it).

We support statistics for three different 'moving modes':

  • driving

  • walking and

  • the physical distance between beaches and locations

The rest of the UI I guess is pretty intuitive.

Known issues:

  1. when you try to delete a location, it is always the last marker to be added that is deleted.

  2. On Chrome when you switch between moving modes the statistics are not updated (Firefox and Safari work fine).

Features to be added:

  1. Modify the app such that beaches and locations can be added in any order.

  2. Introduce different icons for the markers denoting beaches or locations.

As always criticism, comments, or suggestions are welcome.