
Mechanical Phenomena - 3rd Quadrimester 2015

*** NOTE: Most activities will be held inside Tidia with the rest of the groups ***

Professor Marcos de Abreu Avila – Block A Office 648-3

Coordinators Roosevelt Droppa Jr. – Block A Office 622-3 (Theory)

Jean-Jacques Bonvent – Block A Office 613-3 (Labs)

Course Website [Tidia: BC0208 - 2015.3]

Groups B1,B2,B3 Mon 10:00 - 12:00 (104-0); Thu 08:00 - 10:00 hs (104-0)

Monitors [soon]


Physical quantities and laws. Notions of calculus. Notions of vector geometry. Vector kinematics and motion. Force and inertia. Newton’s laws. Work, energy and power. Linear momentum. Systems of particles and collisions. Rotational motion and inertia. Torque and angular momentum. Conservations of energy, linear momentum and angular momentum.