Automatic updates


Along with the A>V>C> plugins, an automatic update utility AVC_Updater is supplied for downloading new versions directly from the A>V>C> database. You can enable automatic updates or download updates as you wish with the click of a button.

You can find out how the programs have changed from version to version here.

It is important to understand that updates and versions are the same for all A>V>C> programs, plugins and commands. If you have several A>V>C> plugins installed, they will be updated all at once.

Configuring updates

To configure automatic updates, run the AVC_Updater program from the Windows start menu or from the plugin folder.

Here you can see the number of your plugins version, the number of the downloaded (but not yet installed) version and the number of the most recent version of the plugins, which is published in the A>V>C> server.

You just need to click the Install button next to the new version number to start the update procedure. If there is no new version, then there will be no button either.

Here you can also select the automatic updates mode.

Below you will see all the latest versions for the year. You can replace the current version of plugins with an old one, reinstall your version again, or install one of the newer versions.

If you enable automatic updates, the AVC_Updater program will register itself in startup and will launch when the system boots.

Update modes

In this mode, the program does not check for updates. But if you go to the "Software update" page, you can independently select and install any version.

If there is a new version, then you will see the "Install" button. You will also see all the versions you missed in the list. You can select and install not only the latest version, but also any previous version, including reinstalling the current version or rolling back to an earlier version. When you switch to this mode, the program will remove itself from startup.

When the program detects that a new version has appeared on the server,  a window asking you to install a new version will appear on the screen. If you refuse to install, then the program will no longer ask you until the next version is released.And if you agree, the download of the new version will begin. At the end of the work, you will receive a warning about the need to restart the CAD-program.

As soon as the updates are found on the server, the program will start the update process. At the end of the work, you will receive a warning about the need to restart the CAD-program.

As soon as the updates are found on the server, the program will start the update process. There will be no warning about the need to CAD reboot. But the next time you start the CAD-program, as usual, you will see a warning that a new version has been launched.

Beta versions

Programmers call the first, earliest builds of programs with completely new functions Alpha versions. Such assemblies are not intended to be published. Almost nothing works fine in them. But when all obvious errors are fixed, you can publish the second (Beta) version. The Beta version may also contain hidden bugs and glitches. But if you want to use the new features of the programs before anyone else, then you will have to take the risk and install the Beta. When beta testing is completed, the final (release) version is created. It no longer has any new features and is more or less secure and stable.

In the settings of automatic updates, you can check the "Install Beta" checkbox and the program will offer you to install the beta versions. You will automatically become a beta tester and will be able to report any problems you find before others. For good bug reports, you will receive small bonuses - your balance will be replenished and perhaps this will be enough for the next annual license.

In the version list, all beta versions are marked with the word BETA after the version number. Be careful with them.

Activation of new versions

New versions do not require activation. However, if you bought a "Unlimit" license, then you cannot use new versions released later than a year after receiving the license for free. In this case, you need to get a new license or use the old version of the plugins.

How it works

Understanding the automatic update system will help you deal with the complex issues of running A> V> C> plugins.

The problem is that the program cannot update itself. While the program (or plug-in program) is up and running, its file is write-protected. To work around this problem, a small plugin AVC_Starter.dll has been added to all  A>V>C> plugins.


It is this program that launches AutoCAD from the bundle. And for BricsCAD it is called AVC_Starter_Br.dll and it is this program that must be configured to run in BricsCAD. Immediately after starting CAD, the Starter program will read in the Windows registry which version you installed the last time. This may not be the most recent version. If there is no entry in the registry, the program will start searching. The most recent subfolder will be selected in the %appdata%\AVC\Plugin folder. If there is no such folder on your computer yet, it means that automatic updates have never been launched and we can run the plug-in from its native folder %appdata%\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\AVC_xxxx.bundle. Now, when the folder is selected, Starter launches the main module of all plugins A>V>C> - the AVC_Plugin_Ac.dll library. The Ac in the title is from AutoCAD. For BricsCAD, the Starter module is called AVC_Starter_Br.dll and it launches the AVC_Plugin_Br.dll library (or AVC_Plugin_Br21.dll for the BricsCAD V21 version). Thus, Starter launches the required version of the plugin from the correct folder, and not only from the folder from which it was launched. If you do not use automatic updates, then you will never have version folders in %appdata%\AVC\Plugin and that means there is no point in starting Starter. In this case, you can correct PackageContents.xml so that AVC_Plugin_Ac.dll starts immediately and AutoCAD will start half a second faster.


This library contains the plugin code itself, all the commands, functions, palettes and dialogs added by the plugin to CAD. For AutoCAD, the AVC_Plugin_Ac.dll library is used. Or AVC_Plugin_Ac25.dll for AutoCAD 2025 and newer. For BricsCAD, the AVC_Plugin_Br.dll library (or AVC_Plugin_Br21.dll for the BricsCAD V21 version). Each time, when loading, the plugin checks its version and reports it on the command line. And if this version is downloaded for the first time, it will give you a warning window.

All A>V>C> plugins contain the same dll-program libraries. When CAD finds several plugins, it launches one (the first found) Starter and then one AVC_Plugin, and ignores all the others, since it cannot load several libraries with the same names. This is what we need. There will be no extra libraries in memory. And all commands, all plugins are contained in each AVC_Plugin_xx.dll. In different archives with A>V>C> plugins, only Cuix-files with menus and ribbon panels differ, the program code is the same. Therefore, it is logical to install the AVC_Pro plugin right away, and activate only the commands you need.

Update process

If auto-updates are enabled, then every 4 hours the program will connect to the A>V>C> server. 

After connecting, the program will look for a new version on the server. If you have not enabled "Install Beta", then Betas are ignored. If a new version is found, the program will ask you whether to update or not. You can enable refresh mode without prompting. Once you refuse to install a version, you will block auto-updates until the next version is released.

Next, the download of the archive from the A>V>C> server begins to your computer in the %temp% folder. Then the 7zip unpacking program starts. The program extracts the files to the same %temp% folder.

At this point, the new version is considered downloaded. Its number is stored in the registry. And the next time the CAD is loaded, Starter will try to launch it. But it may not start - after all, the files are still in the temporary folder.

Then a job is created to copy the files. We cannot immediately copy files to the correct paths - after all, CAD is currently running and the program libraries are locked from writing. Therefore, a separate program AVC_FileCopy is launched. It will work after closing CAD and will find a moment when CAD is not running and libraries can be updated.

The files will be gradually copied to the new version number folder in %appdata%\AVC\Plugin and to all A>V>C> plugin folders in %appdata%\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins. New dlls and cuix menus will appear everywhere. All AVC plugins will be updated.

The next time you start CAD, Starter will find the new version folder in %appdata%\AVC\Plugin and launch the plugin from there.