
Some of the better commentary that I've seen on Ayn Rand on the web:

The Benefits and Hazards of the Philosophy of Ayn Rand

By Nathaniel Branden, Rand's leading disciple (and former lover). I dispute a lot of his "benefits" (which appear to be limited to those who feel trapped in religions that make them unhappy), but his "hazards" and other commentary are priceless. A definite must-read for every Rand fan.

The New Yorker: Possessed

Review of two recent Rand biographies that does a nice job itself of telling her life story.

GQ Magazine: The Bitch is Back

This article that hilariously explores the "Ayn Rand Asshole (ARA)" phenomenon: the tendency of new Rand fans to cluelessly make life miserable for everyone around them.

Balloon Juice: Creeping Galtism

Funny blog post on the alleged desire of wealthy elites to withdraw from American society (ie, "Going Galt") if income tax rates are restored to the level of the 1990's.

Ayn Rand, Hugely Popular Author and Inspiration to Right-Wing Leaders, Was a Big Admirer of Serial Killer

Background for one of Rand's great inspirations: a man self-centered enough and far enough outside the bounds of social control that he kidnapped and murdered a 12 year-old girl.

Newsweek: Atlas Hugged

Lame praise for Rand written by Governor Mark Sanford (R-South Carolina), who acknowledges some of Rand's obvious flaws but still claims that her fictional characters "prove" something about government. Among the online comments is this brilliant observation:

Mark Sanford writes: "The Fountainhead is a stunning evocation of the individual and what he can achieve when unhindered by government or society."

So is Somalia.

The difference is, one is an adolescent literary fantasy, and the other is what happens in real life.

Salon: How Ayn Rand ruined my childhood

A sad story of what happens when someone takes a Randian approach to parenting.