
Find out all you need to know about Atlantic hazel in our publication

'Atlantic Hazel - Scotland's Special Woods' by Sandy and Brian Coppins.

Atlantic Hazelwoods occur in western Britain and are part of Scotland's Rainforest, a globally scarce habitat. Many are remnants of ancient woodlands, undisturbed for thousands of years. They support internationally significant populations of lichens, mosses and liverworts that thrive in the mild-winters, cool summers and high rainfall throughout the year.

Formed in 2007, with a Scotland focus, the Atlantic Hazel Action Group (AHAG) is a partnership of consultants, Scottish government agencies, NGOs and individuals whose aim is to promote protection of Scotland's unique Atlantic hazel woodland. The group recognises the international importance of this woodland type for biodiversity, especially its epiphytic lichen flora, and a range of other values that this woodland provides for people and nature.

The group's initial focus was to deliver the Species Action Framework implementation plan for the hazel gloves fungus (Hypocreopsis rhododendri). However, things have moved on considerably and there is now an active and growing community of organisations working to promote and restore Scotland's Rainforest. As such, AHAG members now deliver action for Atlantic Hazelwoods via The Alliance for Scotland's Rainforest. Please visit this site for updates.