Alternative Energy Atlanta

In addition the installation of an alternative energy heating system increases the value of your home, and will generally pay for itself within as little as 2 years in some cases. These facts, coupled with the stable price and availability of alternative energy heating fuels makes.

With the increased price of natural gas and oil, more and more homeowners are turning towards alternatives for heating and cooling their homes. In addition to the high heating and cooling prices homeowners are subjected to, the simple fact is that there are cleaner, more renewable alternatives available in order to maintain the comfort level in home throughout the world.

Alternative energy types for home heating vary from wood and corn to solar and geothermal options for effectively heating your home. Regardless of the alternative heating means selected, there is a 30% tax credit associated with switching to alternative energy to heat your home.

Alternative energy types for home cooling include condensing units, attic fans, water cooling methods, and attic barriers to increase the efficiency of systems in place.