Brief History

AASI was founded in 1997 by a core group of local astronomy buffs. Meetings have been held throughout the area and on different nights. The club finally settled into a routine and now meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:00 at Pagliai's Restaurant in Carbondale.

Some highlights:

1997 - club was founded

Early 2000s - large public observations held at Giant City State Park

2009 - AASI identified an ideal observation site near Marion, Illinois.

2010 - the club acquired mirrors and other telescope parts to construct 6" and 4.5" telescopes.

2011 - AASI received a generous gift of an 8" Meade LX5 telescope which is used for both club and public observations.

2016 - AASI recieved a gift of a Meade 4.5" goto telescope which will be used for public observations.