
Get to know about physiotherapy.  It is a branch of medical re-habilitation sciences, which has over the past few years emerged as an important factor in patient recovery.

 An Introduction to Physiotherapy

 Physiotherapy or 'Physical Therapy', is a health care profession which helps patients develop, maintain and restore maximum movement, strength  and functional ability in order to perform activities of daily living.. We help rehabilitate patients suffering from orthopaedic, muscular, neurological,cardio respiratory as well as gynaecological conditions.

This we do by providing services broadly in two categories-

Physiotherapy, is a branch of healthcare that focuses on promoting, restoring, and maintaining physical function and mobility. It encompasses various treatment techniques and modalities aimed at addressing musculoskeletal, neurological, and cardiopulmonary conditions. Physiotherapists are highly trained healthcare professionals who assess, diagnose, and develop personalized treatment plans for their patients. These plans often include exercises, manual therapy, electrotherapy, and education on injury prevention and management. Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in rehabilitation after surgeries, sports injuries, accidents, or conditions such as stroke or chronic pain. By improving strength, flexibility, and overall physical well-being, physiotherapy aims to enhance the quality of life and promote optimal functioning. 

Read more on PHYSIOTHERAPY in this wonderful Wikipedia page below...........