South and East Asia

GA Video Dictionary - Mao Zedong, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution

SS7G11 Population

South and East Asia Geography

Mrs. Roth's Social Studies Site

National Geographic: Asia Videos

Southern and Eastern Asia Geography

PowerPoint - Southern and Eastern Asia (62)

SS7G9 SlidePlayer

SE Asia Countries - LizardPoint

SS7G9 Quizlet

Huang He River (passage)

Asian Population - World Population Review

SS7G10 - Environmental Issues

Power of Water - Floods Montage (10 min)

Flash Floods and Land Slides 2017 (10 min)

Ganges River Pollution & How a River is Being Polluted

Ganges BBC News; Death Along the Ganges

Sacred but Polluted Ganges (3:10)

India's Polluted River System

Flooding in China (images/video)

China's Polluted Water (2:16); Yangtze River Polluted River (2:17)

Asia's Longest River Polluted (2:26)

Yangtze River Facts (3:42), Importance of Yangtze River (2:36)

Yellow River - Wild China (2:44)

Effects of Monsoons: India; National Geographic Monsoons (3:22)

India Floods; Horrible Flash Flooding in India (5:44)

Air Pollution 101 (4 min)

China's Toxic Smog (2:05)

SS7H3 History of SE Asia

What is Nationalism? (4 min); What is Nationalism? (2 min)

Nationalism for Kids (2 min)

Mahatma Gandhi Quiz (52 questions)

Gandhi - Sparknotes

The Story of India's Independence (4:24)

Indian Independence 1947 (2:32) min)

Mahatma Gandi: 2 min Biography

Mohandas Gandhi - Ducksters

The Story of Mahatma Gandhi (5 min)

Mini Bio: Gandi (3:34 min)

Cultural India: Mahatma Gandhi

Mao Zedong: Ducksters

Atomic Bomb (3 min)

Atomic Bomb in Reverse

What Happened to Japan after WW2? (8 min)

Why Japan Doesn't Hate U.S.?

Rebuilt Hiroshima After Atomic Bomb

Pearl Harbor Attack (8 min)

Douglas MacArthur (Ducksters article)

SS7H3 Quia Quiz

Mahatma Gandhi - Biography Online, Mohandas Gandhi - Ducksters,

Ho Chi Minh - Notable Biography, Ho Chi Minh - Britannica, Ho Chi Minh - Historama

Mao Zedong - Notable Biography, Mao Zedong - Ducksters, Mao Zedong - History Learning Site