Migration for Web environment - Use of the Engine and Execution

> Maintenance in the application, your reflection in the interface and Conclusion

< Migration for Web environment - Generation and Engine Access

Migration of Applications for Web Environment - A Practical Approach

Migration for Web environment - Use of the Engine

Based on the proposed engine, the implementation is presented as a table 4:

Table 4 - Function and components for access

Or using the scheme components:

Figure 27 - Names of the components of the engine access

From now will be presented some of the scripts and "srv_server.sh" and "srv_client.sh".

In the Figure 28 is presented an piece of the script in which the server, "srv_server.sh", performs a loop timed, and each cycle is checking for any request to be answered, [line 49], and if positive, after the separate its name and identification, [line 52 to 54], run the application in the background, "$application &", [line 56].

Figure 28 - Module "srv_server.sh" - call the application

This part of the script, "srv_client.sh", illustrated in Figure 29, where the client, during the start up, creates the sending and receiving files, "$recebe and $envia", [lines 86 and 87], and then asks the server the beginning of the application, writing the name and identification of the application to request file "> $process", [line 90].Then enter in a state of waiting, "verifica_recebe" '[line 92], and when it returned a page, executes its display of pages to the server, "cat $envia" and then terminating "exit" , [line 94].

Figure 29 - Module "srv_client.sh" - start up

During the processing, presented in figure 30, the form is received, "read form," [line 107], sent to be processed by the interface of the application, [line 109], and again enter themselves in a state of waiting, " verifica_recebe", [line 111]. When it returned a page, run up its display of pages to the server, "cat $envia" and closes again, "exit", [line 113].

Figure 30 - Module "srv_client.sh" - processing

Migration for Web environment - Execution

To effectively start up the application access to the folder where your Cgi scripts Bash and then asked to boot the server with "$ srv_server.sh -i &", as shown in Figure 31:

Figure 31 - Module "srv_servidor.sh" - start up

His execution, compared to the manner and character in a browser, informing the address, for example:

"Http://localhost/cgi-bin/folder_name/app_control_client," can be seen in Figures 32 to 35.

Figure 32 - Options menu character

Figure 33 - Options menu Web

Figure 34 - Registration of Clients character