UNITX (united networks international transport exchange) is a project that intends to fundamentally change the way our economy

works today. UNITX is a system of corridors located underground in larger urban areas. In these corridors the pictured logibots

are traveling and transporting goods from house to house. The logibots are able to transport up to 4 boxes with dimensions of up to 60x60x45 cm.

They can travel with a top speed of 50 km/h, not only able to move forward and backward, but also up and down in the corridors.

This way, sending and receiving merchandise or items in general becomes much easier. Deliveries will only take 20 minutes on average,

no packaging is required, special logibots could offer cooling or freezing services, X-Ray or bomb detection. The implementation of UNITX could

change the economy dramatically, the repairing and borrowing of goods will be much easier, and logistics and warehousing would undergo fundamental changes as well;

also, the relation between producer and customer could be enhanced radically, with UNITX holding potential for a completely new dimension of service on a much more

personal and individual level.

The logibot is supported by an aluminium frame and weighs 84 Kg. The main components are the so called Vclimbs, located on the edges

of the Logibot. They enable it to climb up and down in the corridors and hold it in place when traveling horizontally.

One of the main technological advantages of the system is that there is no technology in the corridors; all moving parts and further technology are comprised in the logibot, and the

corridors are merely used for transport and electricity supply.