Research Projects

[EMMA] Amazon SimBot Challenge, 2022 - Advisor and co-author of proposal

Our team, EMMA, were finalists. The work involved building and evaluating a multi-modal, Vision and Language model for interactive task completion in an embodied setting. It culminated in an EMNLP paper in 2023. 

[Alana v2] Amazon Alexa Challenge 2018 - Faculty Advisor

Our team, Alana, were finalists. Here's Alana on BBC 4:

[BABBLE] Domain-general methods for learning natural spoken dialogue systems - Co-investigator

[PARLANCE] - Research Associate

[RISER] Robust Incremental Semantic Resources for Dialogue - Named Researcher. 

Nice project summary here:

[DynDIAL] Dynamics of Dialogue, EPSRC - Postdoctoral Research Assistant

[Watching the Watchers] - Research Assistant. Watch the watchers here:

[DiET] Dialogue Experimentation Toolkit

[PhD Thesis] Uncommon Ground: The Distribution of Dialogue Contexts