
Development Tools

We will be using various development tools throughout the year, beginning with a fairly straightforward programming editor and ending with a professional-grade integrated development environment. Links are provided to the download pages. In class, we generally use the no-install versions that can simply be unzipped and require no administrator privileges. The JDK was installed on one computer and then zipped up for transfer to others.


We will use either a class set or online editions of the publications below throughout the year. Students will not need their own hard copy. The last of these is our main textbook.

Substitution Lesson Links

These links will be useful if we ever need a substitute teacher.


We will make use of several libraries throughout the year. These are precompiled sets of code placed in Java archive (jar) files that we can access from our own code. This will spare us from having to reinvent the Wheel or whatever other classes are contained.