

2016– . Stockholm School of Economics, Department of Economics, the Johan Björkman Professor of Economics

2014– 2016. Stockholm School of Economics, Department of Economics, Associate Professor (with tenure)

2011– 2014. Stockholm School of Economics, Department of Economics, Assistant Professor

2010– . Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, Research Associate

2009–2011. SIFR, Institute for Financial Research, Postdoctoral Fellow

2009–2010. Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, Women and Public Policy Program, Fellow

2006–2009. Harvard University, Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, Research Scientist

2004-2009. Stockholm School of Economics, Department of Economics, PhD student


Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology; American Economic Review; American Journal of Human Biology; Applied Economics; Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology; Czech Science Foundation; Econometrica; Economic Inquiry; Economic Journal; Economics and Human Biology; Economics Letters; European Economic Review; Evolution and Human Behavior; Evolutionary Psychology; Experimental Economics; Feminist Economics; Games and Economic Behavior; Genes, Brain and Behavior; Human Nature; International Sociology; Israel Science Foundation; Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization; Journal of Economic Literature; Journal of Economic Psychology; Journal of Finance; Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; Journal of Public Economics; Journal of the Economic Science Association; Journal of the European Economic Association; Journal of Theoretical Biology; Judgment and Decision Making; Nature; Nature Climate Change; Nature Communications; NSF; PLoS ONE; PNAS; Princeton University Press; Review of Economic Studies; Scandinavian Journal of Economics; Scientific Reports; Social Choice and Welfare

Associate Editor: Journal of Political Economy

Editorial Board: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2013-onwards). International Journal for Re-Views in Empirical Economics (IREE) (2019-onwards). Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology.

Member of Advisory Board (2018-onwards), University of Zurich Center for Reproducible Science

Other: Associate Editor at Management Science (Behavioral Economics, 2011-2017). Board Member, Economic Science Association (ESA) Executive Committee (2015-2018).

2017 -. Nominated by the Swedish Research Council and elected member of AcademiaNet - Outstanding Female Academics.


Associated Press, Bloomberg, Boston Globe, CNN, Dagens Nyheter, Daily Telegraph, Discovery Channel, Financial Times, Harvard Gazette, Harvard Crimson, Nature News and Views, New York Magazine, New York Times, New York Times Freakonomics, NPR, Reuters, Science Daily, Scientific American, Svenska Dagbladet, Time, USA Today, Wired