Update – changes / corrections / comments

This section is a focus for news about the workings of AMPLINEX, corrections to items in previous issues, and other small items of information which might otherwise be missed amongst the details of each issue.

Software Updates

We have received the following note from Allan Gardner following Ian Waugh's comments in AMPLINEX 019 about obtaining software upgrades from Hybrid Technology:

Having just read Ian Waugh's comments on the use, by members, of early versions of Studio 5000 and the problems which this causes, I thought that a different view on the subject would be useful.

Firstly, the policy of Hybrid Technology to supply free software updates has not always been the case. When I first received the Music 4000 software I had owned it for less than 48 hours when I learned (on the Hybrid stand at one of the micro shows) of the Staff printing feature which was to be included as standard from then on. However, an update would not be supplied to me unless I returned the disc along with £5. Whilst I do appreciate that five pounds is not an enormous sum of money I did take exception to having to pay anything at all to update software of such a tender age.

Of course the explanation for all of this is that the Staff printing feature was not an upDATE, it was an upGRADE even though it was then supplied with the Music 4000 as standard.

As the years rolled by, the news of FREE updates finally leaked through various magazines and I updated my software to include Staff printing.

The next point is, I think, even more significant.

Picture the scene: you have just completed your latest masterpiece and submitted it for the delight of others, only to get the comments, "It doesn't work", "It won't run on my machine", "Doesn't this guy ever check his work before publishing it?!"... What do they mean, it works fine, I haven't done anything new... confusion reigns.

What has happened, of course, is that the programmer has been using an earlier version of the software which is not compatible with later releases.

Unfortunately, the debugging of this problem is only open to people who either have access to both versions of the software or who have a 'special relationship' with Hybrid Technology.

My point here is: you cannot tell whether your version of the software is an obsolete one unless you are INFORMED that a later version exists.

I have filled in a number of registration slips and returned them to Hybrid Technology, but apart from the occasional advertising in the early days, I have never received any useful information regarding the compatibility between versions.

So, to summarise, the answer is NOT for members who experience problems with release such-and-such to merely update their software for free. It is for members with the expertise to firstly identify such problems and inform others of their existence before that avenue can be pursued at all.

In the meantime it would be helpful if Hybrid Technology (via AMPLINEX?) could supply a list of the latest version numbers of all software, including the version numbers of individual modules. It would also be useful to know what problems exist with particular releases.

(P.S. Computer Concepts updated both my Spellmaster and InterBase packages absolutely free (they did not even want return postage) and the InterBase update included a new ROM, replacement disc, and a new manual of over 200 pages).

We always welcome suggestions for improvements in the workings or contents of AMPLINEX - most of the changes made to date have originated from members' suggestions. So, if you have an idea to improve AMPLINEX, let us know.

Also, please let us know if you spot an error or omission in the contents of AMPLINEX - you may be the first one who has noticed.