Update – changes / corrections / comments

This section is a focus for news about the workings of AMPLINEX, corrections to items in previous issues, and other small items of information which might otherwise be missed amongst the details of each issue.

AMPLINEX 015 Utilities

Oops! A missing line in the menu of AMPLINEX 015 meant that those who received the disc in the first few weeks of release were unaware of the presence of a 'fast Fourier analysis' utility included on the disc. Later copies were corrected but, for those members who did not see a Utilities option on their AMPLINEX 015 menu, we have included a 'fix' on this disc.

To use the 'fix', load AMPLINEX 015 in the usual way, but do not RUN it. Then put this (AMPLINEX 016) disc in your currently selected drive and type

*EXEC 015fix

When prompted, replace this disc with the AMPLINEX 015 one. This disc will then be updated and you can see the new Utilities option by starting AMPLINEX (type RUN).

Our apologies for the error and our thanks to Tony Walduck for pointing out the omission.

Uses of the Hybrid Music System

As mentioned in the previous issue, we would like to put together a feature on the different uses to which members put the Hybrid Music System. We are looking for examples of its use in, say, performance, recording or audio-visual work and would welcome contributions from members describing their application.

We always welcome suggestions for improvements in the workings or contents of AMPLINEX - most of the changes made to date have originated from members' suggestions. So, if you have an idea to improve AMPLINEX, let us know.

Also, please let us know if you spot an error or omission in the contents of AMPLINEX - you may be the first one who has noticed.