Quick entry chords

Ken Hughes

The utility by Bill Mellor in AMPLINEX 003 (file U.chord/i) was described as a 'quick chord namer'. It was also meant to be a shorthand method of entering chords.

Unless some part of the article was missed out the method failed to work for two reasons.

1) As each chord played the pitch became higher

2) After playing one of the 4 note chords a following 3 note chord would have the fourth voice of the previous chord still playing.

The first problem is easily solved by adding an octave setting in front of the chord notes. For example,

"Cm" [-1:G(CE)]

The second problem requires a rest to be added on all the 3 note chords e.g.

"Cm" [-1:G(CE^)]

Bill did say, "if anyone feels they could improve on the chart please feel free to have a go" so I have taken the liberty of renaming the chords to give them more meaningful names.

I have used the chord letter plus a variation letter for the type of chord. Whilst the use of the letters A to G on their own must be avoided, you may use them as part of a two letter word (e.g. aM) providing that the second letter is not A to G and you leave a space before the word in your program.

I have used the following variation letters:

M major

m minor

m7 minor 7th

M7 major 7th

7 7th

I have not included the other chords or checked them all. You may find that some of them need -2: instead of -1: or alternatively a small letter for the first note instead of a capital letter.

Related file on this disc:

U.Chords2 - New chord definitions