Piel Bros

Piel Brothers East New York Brewery, Brooklyn NY

I would like to end with this brewery, since in this brewery the European character, which we could already perceive in the Liebmann and Ehret brewery, is expressed in a particularly distinctive way. The brewery produces circa 100,000 barrels and is one of the few breweries in the United States, which is entirely constructed after the German pattern and only brews pure malt beers. If European barley is used as raw material and turned into malt, I cannot say with certainty, however the manager of the brewery assured me, that only imported, and indeed Saazer hops, were used.

They brew according to the decoction method with 2 thick and 1 lautermash, the volume of wort amounting to 190 barrels per brew. Only two kinds of beer are brewed, so called "Dortmunder" with a concentration of the pitching wort of 13% Balling and so called "Münchener" with 14% Balling. The pure yeasts used are of "Dortmunder" and "Münchener" origin. The fermentation process is carried out, apart from the strong kräusening, completely in the manner which is common by us. The beers are lagered on average for 3 months and the cask beer is sold for nine dollars, and the bottled beer for 10 dollars per barrel. About a third of the total production is bottled.

(below) Piel Bros ads - click for larger view

(right) Piel's line up, 1913

(below) wording from a 1913 Piel Bros in NYC papers