Wang Ping, Heather Fuller

WX Speaks from China Wok

by Wang Ping

Chop chop chop

A chicken under the cleaver

Headless, no feather adorning its breast

The supreme court has spoken

False proof of persecution

No leniency no America no asylum

Go home boy go home

The sea is blue outside the window

The Florida sun shines into my eyes

Swollen like home on the other shore

Where’s home? Where’s Mother

Father? Six years on the run. No voice

Where’s my bitter tear? Only spider

Webs seal the stove, books, door…

Swish swish swish

On the cutting board, flaking scales

Mouth wide open, eyes that won’t close

If the fish can speak, what story would it tell?

If the small people have a voice

What cries would we utter? The bell rings

And rings from the tower. Children laugh

As they circle on the grass. Oh Father Mother

Which basement are you kneeling under the cross?

What psalm throbs from your chapped throats?

In the headless breast, the heart beats, stubborn

Into the swelling waves, a bait of earthworm

I’ve never caught a fish or crab, not even a shrimp

But I keep throwing, woosh, woosh…

Until I reach…Aaaiii Mazu, Goddess of Mercy

Please hear my story, a boy homeless

Since I was sixteen, a boy floating from sea to sea

In the hold of a rusty ship, a boy on hunger strike in jail

A boy crossing the border to seek asylum, a boy

Working seven days a week to pay off the snakehead

$60,000, six years, the boy is becoming a man

Still homeless, still an orphan, still dreaming

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

The chicken is frying in the wok, the fish

Swimming in the oil. From the wanton waves

Who will see me, Mazu, Flower of the sea?

Who hears me boiling in the sea of anguish

Hope? Who will judge me, a small person

With the same May Flower dream and heart of buffalo

Who made this land, this sea, this America?

This Is How You Cross the Line

Any alien who is physically present in the United States… may apply for asylum—INS § 208

First you gather the paper:

Plane tickets, photos, letters, passports

All fake but for Yuan, Euros, Pounds

Fake certificate, fake license, fake face

Everything about you, even the names

Round them up with care

Tear them, shred them, chew them

Flush the pulp down the toilet

Before the plane touches the ground

You come out clean as blank paper

Belong to no country, no race, man or woman

You’re on your own

Bleached, in the mirror

Listless, no hair grown

On your phantom face that is not

Yours--the fear, the hunger, the thirst

The urge to throw yourself

On the ground and cry Mama


You walk along the thin corridor

Along with the fellow passengers in suits and perfume

Who snore and grind teeth in their dreams

Who rush towards the customs, the baggage claims

To the shadows hovering behind the opaque glass

Bouquets, Homecoming banners, limousines

And you stand in line

You choose a booth with a woman officer

Pudgy, pasty white--a contrast to the young

Starved body that’s not yours

You look around

The girl from Fuzhou, still a skeleton

From the two-week hunger strike in Amsterdam

Has picked an obese man

Her tender ankles curve like talons

Over there, under the neon flickering CITIZENS ONLY

You see the man behind the line—

Poised to jump

Dyed beard, dyed hair

The scar on his temple pulsing red

A lighthouse leading you across

the Indian, the Atlantic, the Nordic Sea

His lion fists kept you safe from snakes

In the holds of a rusty ship

You want to throw yourself at his feet

Uncle Wu, where have you been?

But you freeze, your face a mask

Like his, hers, and others

Whose names you must erase

From your sixteen-year-old heart

Suddenly I’m alone

Before me, no human shield

No bridge behind to flee

To jump or die—STOP

Breathe, slow, deep

Pad pockets one more time

Everything set--no baggage, no name

No memory—only this body

No longer mine, never mine

Having crossed endless borders and seas

For this final sprint

The officer looks up

Eyes shadowed with overnight fatigue

A smile across her face and your knees buckle

In that small second—Mother

Will she be on the other side—the land of plenty?

But up is her finger: NEXT

And you push—a puppet

Pulled by an invisible string

The smile recedes from her eyes

Ripples of shock, fear, alarm


Carrying nothing—everything

Past her booth, her yellow line of authority

Past the guard huffing over, gun in hand


—a fetus—

Declaring asylum

from Data Recovery Project

by Heather Fuller


vigilant in the street for broken things

a bitch can have her eye out

dog-bitch in and out of foundering

on alert for what the hand might do

cut you in your sleep bony

old numbchuck nostalgia

she picked it up

was obliged to keep it

puppyhead in the jaw

where a hangman's knot would snap

what you left on the roadside

underwear splint and ya'll


we must have wanted the whole package

when Jeb is presidente

this oligarch and me

we are not on good terms

went down on the docket like

but went into the papers as lately married

here is where the cat bites the writing hand

the dog demurs in the prospect of begging

the cat wasting for all these mindings countless

warnings eluding human courtesy tune in

to ears tails hackles

in the bandit aggregate the love

of country stepped out on us

thank you for shopping


what is it about this place

that kept her here Rascaline

even as she withered

she made a pact not to sleep in dirt

packed her mouth with tumbleweeds

Victorian Firebox

having lived at half impact

cold social body type contamination

do not doubt every fist

has its perfect do not doubt

every eye has its perfect fist


the great head is disturbed

someone was gnawed off my country all

the schoolkids asked was to say ‘tis of usted

your donotcall phone is ringing

call center prisoners wake up to promise

of the number yet to answer

no is not about you

press one if you'd like to be contacted again

to register your opinion in the future

the woman voting offguard mistaking

laboratory harvest

legislation voicethrowing

the woman offguard mistaking

body's wellness for wellbeing

the woman offguard mistaking

general population rousted mouth

a pact with harrowing facelift canker gullying

when engineering talking to each other

sweat sewn into stitched a gaping

retrieving needlings

was asked of us

some tendering of lesion constellation

lockstep behind each sanction closure

what you will remember are the fools