Research and Publications

A. Research Interests:

1. Transport and vulnerability assessment in deltas

2. Debris flows

3. Anomalous diffusion and non-local transport experiments

4. Network robustness analysis

5. Coupling river dynamics and ecology

B. International ISI-indexed Publications

16. A. Tejedor, A. Longjas, D. A. Edmonds, I. Zaliapin, T. Georgiou, A. Rinaldo, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou (2017), "Entropy and optimality in river deltas", Proceedings to the National Academy of Sciences, USA, Accepted.

15. A. Tejedor, A. Longjas, I. Zaliapin, S. Ambroj, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou (2017), “Network robustness assessed within a dual connectivity framework: joint dynamics of the Active and Idle Networks”, Scientific Reports.

14. R. Batac, A. Paguirigan Jr., A. Tarun, and A. Longjas (2017), “Sandpile-based model for capturing magnitude distributions and spatiotemporal clustering and separation in regional earthquakes”, Nonlinear Processes Geophysics.

13. N. Filipovitch, K. Hill, A. Longjas, and V.R. Voller (2016), “Infiltration experiments demonstrate an explicit the connection between heterogeneity and anomalous diffusion behavior, Water Resources Research.

12. E. Brondizio, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, S. Szabo, N. Vogt, Z. Sebesvari, F. Renaud, A. Newton, E. Anthony, A. Mansur, Z. Matthews, S. Hetrick, S. Costa, Z. Tessler, A. Tejedor, A. Longjas, and J. Dearing (2016), “Catalyzing Action Towards the Sustainability of Deltas”, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 19, 182-194.

11. A. Tejedor, A. Longjas, R. Caldwell, D. Edmonds, I. Zaliapin, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou (2016), "Quantifying the signature of sediment composition on the topologic and dynamic complexity of river delta channel networks and inferences towards delta classification", Geophysical Research Letters.

10. A. Hansen, J. Czuba, J. Schwenk, A. Longjas, M. Danesh-Yazdi, D. Hornbach and E. Foufoula-Georgiou (2016), "Coupling freshwater mussel ecology and river dynamics using a simplified dynamic interaction model", Freshwater Science.

9. A. Tejedor, A. Longjas, I. Zaliapin, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou (2015), "Delta Channel Networks: 2. Metrics of topologic and dynamic complexity for delta comparison, physical inference and vulnerability assessment", Water Resources Research.

8. A. Tejedor, A. Longjas, I. Zaliapin, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou (2015), "Delta Channel Networks: 1. A graph-theoretic approach for studying connectivity and steady-state transport on deltaic surfaces", Water Resources Research .

7. R. Batac, A. Longjas and C. Monterola (2012), "Statistical distributions of avalanche size and waiting times in an inter-sandpile cascade model", Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.

6. A. Longjas, E.F. Legara and C. Monterola (2011), "Power Law Mapping in Human Area Perception", International Journal of Modern Physics C, 22(5), 495–503.

5. C. Monterola, I. Crisologo, J. Tugaff, R. Batac and A. Longjas (2010), "Surface Morphology of Chalkboard Tips Captures the Uniqueness of the User's Hand Strokes", International Journal of Modern Physics C, 21(4), 535–548.

4. I. Crisologo, R. Batac, A. Longjas, E.F. Legara and C. Monterola (2010), "Visual And Auditory Cues Significantly Reduce Human's Intrinsic Biases When Tasked To Generate A Random Number Sequence", International Journal of Modern Physics C, 21(5 ), 567–581.

3. E.F. Legara, A. Longjas and R. Batac (2009), "Competition in a social structure", International Journal of Modern Physics C 20(1), 1-7.

2. A. Longjas, C. Monterola and C. Saloma (2009), "Force analysis of jamming with disks of different sizes in a two-dimensional hopper", Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P05006.

1. D.E. Juanico, A. Longjas, R. Batac and C. Monterola (2008), "Avalanche Statistics of Granular Driven slides in a miniature mound", Geophysical Research Letters, 35, doi:10.1029/2008GL035567

C. In Revision/Under Review/To be Submitted:

1. A. Longjas, J. Mullenbach, and K. Hill (2017), “Evolution of bed fabric from repeated experimental debris flows” Geophysical Research Letters, In Revision.

2. A. Longjas, N. Filipovitch, K. Hill, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, and V. Voller, “Exploring the role of nonlocality in granular transport: Do rice piles have an angle of repose”, to be submitted.

3. A. Tejedor, A. Longjas, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, T. Georgiou, and Y. Moreno, “Diffusion Dynamics and Optimal Coupling in Directed Multiplex Networks” Physical Review Letters, Under Review.

4. A.B. Tarun, D.C. Biton, C.D. Janer, A.A. Paguirigan Jr., A.G. Longjas and R.C. Batac, Quantifying the spatio-temporal properties of a sandpile-based model of earthquakes using recurrent network analyses, be submitted to Physical Review E.

5. A. Tejedor, A. Longjas, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, “Multiplex Networks in the Geosciences: River Deltas, a case study” to be submitted to Geophysical Research Letters.

D. International Proceedings:

1. A. Longjas, A. Murad, D.H. Phung, J.L.F. Zamora, K. Ogohara and S.Y. Lim “Laboratory experiments on Tropical Cyclone Dynamics” Spring School on Fluid Mechanics and Geophysics of Environmental Hazards National University of Singapore (2009).

2. A. Longjas, M. Palima and C. Saloma, “Jamming Patterns of a Granular Flow Through a Constriction”, Conference on Fundamental Aspects of Complexity, ICTP, Trieste, Italy (2004).

E. International Conferences Attended:

1. Spring School on Fluid Mechanics and Geophysics of Environmental Hazards, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore (April 19 - May 2, 2009).

2. Research at the intersection of Marine/Hydrokinetic (MHK) Energy and the environment, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory (SAFL), University of Minnesota, USA (October 5-8, 2011).

3. Stochastic Transport and Emergent Scaling in Earth-Surface Processes (STRESS 4): Connectivity, Non-Linearity, and Regime Transitions in Future Earthscapes Workshop, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA (April 24-26, 2013)

4. Network Frontier Workshop, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA (December 4-6, 2013).

5. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA (December 9-13, 2013).

6. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA (December 15-19, 2014).

7. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA (December 14-18, 2015).

8. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA (December 12-16, 2016).

For more information please visit these links:

Complex-Monterola Group

Instrumentation Physics Laboratory

National Institute of Physics

College of Science