
The Gabedit Format

[Gabedit Format] (Sphe | Cart)

The workings are with Spherical or Cartezian gaussian Basis format, indicated by the Sphe or Cart keyword.

Coordinates of Atoms for the Electron Density/Molecular orbitals:

[Atoms] (Angs|AU)

element_name number atomic_number x y z


The workings are with Angstroms or Atomic Units, indicated by the Angs or AU keyword.

Specification of the basis-set consisting of contracted Gaussian Type Orbitals.


atom_sequence_number1 0

shell_label number_of_primitives 1.00

exponent_primitive_1 contraction_coefficient_1 (contraction_coefficient_1)


empty line

atom_sequence__number2 0

shell_label number_of_primitives 1.00

exponent_primitive_1 contraction_coefficient_1 (contraction_coefficient_1)


empty line

recognized shell_labels:

's','p','d','f','g','h','i','j','k','sp', 'sd', ....

For 'sp', 'sd'... shells two contraction coefficients must be given, for both first and second functions.

All workings with the [Basis] keyword are in Atomic Units.

Specification of the molecular orbitals.

The molecular orbitals and their occupation number are specified in the [MO] section. From this information a density matrix can be constructed.


Sym= symmetry_label_1

Ene= mo_energy_1

Spin= (Alpha|Beta)

Occup= mo_occupation_number_1

ao_number_1 mo_coefficient_1


ao_number_n mo_coefficient_n


Sym= symmetry_label_N

Ene= mo_energy_N

Spin= (Alpha|Beta)

Occup= mo_occupation_number_N

ao_number_1 mo_coefficient_1


ao_number_n mo_coefficient_n

Specification of the atomic orbitals.

The atomic orbitals and their occupation number are specified in the [AO] section.


Atom= Atomic Symbol_1

Sym= symmetry_label_1

Ene= ao_energy_1

Spin= (Alpha|Beta)

Occup= ao_occupation_number_1

ao_number_1 ao_coefficient_1


ao_number_n ao_coefficient_n


Atom= Atomic Symbol_i

Sym= symmetry_label_N

Ene= ao_energy_N

Spin= (Alpha|Beta)

Occup= ao_occupation_number_N

ao_number_1 ao_coefficient_1


ao_number_n ao_coefficient_n

Specification of frequencies and corresponding normal coordinates.

The atomic coordinates x,y,z and atomic displacements dx,dy,dz are all in Bohr (Atomic Unit of length).






atom_1_element_string x y z


atom_n_element_string x y z


vibration vibration_number_1

atom_1_dx atom_1_dy atom_1_dz


atom_n_dx atom_n_dy atom_n_dz


vibration vibration_number_N

atom_1_dx atom_1_dy atom_1_dz


atom_n_dx atom_n_dy atom_n_dz


ir_intensity_1 raman_intensity_1


ir_intensity_n raman_intensity_n

The Geometry Convergence section

The max-force, rms-force, max-step and rms-step sections are optional.

The atomic coordinates x,y,z are in angstroms unit.
























title or empty line (Geometry number 1)

atom_1_element_string x y z


atom_(Number_of_atoms)_element_string x y z





title or empty line (Geometry number n)

atom_1_element_string x y z


atom_(Number_of_atoms)_element_string x y z

Multiple Geometries section


numberOfGeometries numberOfLabels

nameLabel1 UnitLabel1 nValue1 /* Example : (Dipole D 3) or (Energy eV 1)*/

nameLabel2 UnitLabel2 nValue2 /* (Dipole D 3) or (Energy eV 1)*/



Value1_1 Value1_2 .... /* begin geometry number 1 */

Value2_1 Value2_2 .... /* nValue2 values */




Symbol1 MMType1 PDBType1 ResiduName1 ResidueNumber1 Charge1 Layer1 X1 Y1 Z1 VX1 VY1 VZ1 /* Ang, Layer = 0, 1, or 2 (HIGHT MEDIUM LOWER), VX1 VY1 VZ1 are optionals */

Symbol2 MMType2 PDBType2 ResiduName2 ResidueNumber2 Charge2 Layer2 X2 Y2 Z2 VX2 VY2 VZ2




Value1 .... /* begin geometry number 2 */

Value2 ....




Symbol1 MMType1 PDBType1 ResiduName1 ResidueNumber1 Charge1 Layer1 X1 Y1 Z1 VX1 VY1 VZ1 /* ResiduNumber = 1,2, ...., X, Y and Z in Ang, Layer = 0, 1, or 2 (HIGHT MEDIUM


Symbol2 MMType2 PDBType2 ResiduName2 ResidueNumber2 Charge2 Layer2 X2 Y2 Z2 VX2 VY2 VZ2






Molecular Dynamics section



nAtoms time(fs) TotalEnery(Kcal/mol) Kinetic Potential /* begin geometry number 1 */

Symbol1 X1 Y1 Z1 VX1 VY1 VZ1 Charge1 mmType1 pdbType1 residueName1 residueNumber1 /*Coord in Ang, Velocity in AKMA */

Symbol2 X2 Y2 Z2 VX2 VY2 VZ2 Charge2 mmType2 pdbType2 residueName2



nAtoms time(fs) TotalEnery(Kcal/mol) Kinetic Potential /* begin geometry number 2 */

Symbol1 X1 Y1 Z1 VX1 VY1 VZ1 Charge1 mmType1 pdbType1 residueName1 residueNumber1 /*Coord in Ang, Velocity in AKMA */

Symbol2 X2 Y2 Z2 VX2 VY2 VZ2 Charge2 mmType2 pdbType2 residueName2



Exemple1 : exampleCartezian.gab

Exemple2 : exampleSpheric.gab

Exemple3 : exampleGeoConv.gab