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The book (316 pages) is written entirely in French. The first part of the book describes the history of Alizes from its prototype phase (BR960 and BR965 VULTUR) to the date of its last operational fleet flight (September 15 th 2000). It also presents the history of Alizes used by the Indian Navy with the squadron INAS 310 COBRA during the Indo-Pakistan conflict in December 1971. At the end of this part, the author tells the main events of his career with Alizé and especially the ditching carried out with Alizé number 36 after the explosion of the turbine. The second part of the book presents each Alizé by serial number and evokes a synthesis of the main events that have marked its history. Finally, the central section entitled 'Alizes and people' presents numerous testimonies of people who worked around Alizé or on aircraft carriers.

Accredited with more than 1,000 photos, this book traces 40 years of French and Indian naval carrier based air power.

To order the book, you can use the order form (downloadable with this link) to be send by e-mail at alize.br1050@gmail.com

Book price : 40 €

Shipping to European Union : 17 €.

Shipping to other countries : 37 €.

For more than 1 book, please contact me to calculate shipping cost.

You can pay with MoneyGram transfer (preferential method) or bank account.

For any additional information, do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail alize.br1050@gmail.com

Sorry for my poor English, I am currently looking for solutions to make an English version of the book…

Christophe Touzet