Tools and Scripts

Below are links to a few scripts, sub-routines, and software packages that I've found helpful for analyzing data and conducting empirical research.

TextMate - my favorite text editor for programming in Mac OS X. The bundles for Stata, Python, and other statistical software packages provide seamless integration with LaTeX.

Stata and LaTeX

  • listtex - a useful command for creating summary statistics tables from Stata .dta files and writing them to .tex files.

  • estout - great suite of commands for creating tables of estimation results in Stata and exporting them to .tex files.

Network Analysis

  • Gephi - open source software for visualizing networks

  • graph-tool - very helpful package for summarizing and manipulating large networks in Python

  • networkx - a large suite of fast algorithms for working with small to medium-sized networks

Maps in Stata

  • spmap - very handy for visualizing georeferenced datasets.

GIS in Python

  • GDAL - useful for manipulating vector and raster datasets

  • rasterstats - a helpful package for summarizing raster datasets based on vector geometries