
Akhilesh Mathur > Contact

My contact details.

Contact information

Official address

Akhilesh Mathur

Supply Chain Coordinator

Universal Postal Union

Weltpoststrasse 4

3015 Berne


Tel + 41 31 350 3164

WGS 84 geographical coordinates of my office desk

Lat. 46° 56' 19.35" N, Long. 7° 28' 25.85" E

602681/198625 (Swiss Grid)

Residential address

Akhilesh Mathur

Mittelstrasse 7

3073 Gümligen


Tel + 41 31 951 9188

WGS 84 geographical coordinates of my drawing-room fireplace

Lat. 46° 55' 52.52" N, Long. 7° 30' 4.82" E

604775/197798 (Swiss Grid)

Some trivia:

Linear distance between desk and fireplace: 2251 meters

Bearing from desk to fireplace: 112° T

Bearing from fireplace to desk: 292° T

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Page created on 30th August 2004 and last reviewed on 23rd December 2012


Akhilesh Mathur, Berne, Switzerland