
"5 robots named Paul" drawing Nino, Merge Festival, London, October 2012. Video by P. Tresset, music by Steph Horak.

The AIKON Project @ PopTech 2011, Camden, USA, Video by Rich Miner.

Paul sketching Merve, Uncontainable: Untitled, ISEA2011, Istanbul. Video by Barbaros Gokdemir, Sitter: Merve Topcuoglu

Paul Sketching Patrick, Tenderpixel Gallery, 2011, London, U.k.. Video Patrick tresset.

AIkon-II Pre-alpha, Kinetica art fair, 2010, London, U.K. Video: Nanda Khaorapapong

 "Ladies and Gents", Nanda K & Patrick T., "Unleashed Devices", 2010 ,Watermans Center, London, U.K.

Fighting skediomatas at Watermans Center, 2011, London, U.K. Video. Patrick Tresset

Skediomata signing, 2009. Video Patrick Tresset

Skediomata's first drawing