
" Nothing comes close to live singing and my academy may be the only place in the country to see it." - Premasiri Khemadasa -

This is the Singing School of Khemadasa

Time Table

8.30 a.m. - Arrival of maestro

8.40 - Singing selected parts of the Pirinivan Mangallaya cantata

9.00 - Commencement of teaching and rehersing

11.30 - Feeding of seven dogs with rice and salmon

12.00 - Lunch-break

12.30 p.m - Maestro takes a seasta

1.00 - Afternoon seccsion starts;

Starts Agni opera rehersal

5.45 - Feeding all dogs again with Maliban Marri biscuits

6.30 - Handing over of keys to the security guards of the Folk Art Centre and the departure of the maestro

" He painted with his fist and elbow."

- Seamus Heaney [ the Irish poet who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1995]

Summer 1969 , Singing School

[ photos of rehersals]