US Terror & Occupation. War crimes & huge infant deaths

Gideon Polya, “US Terror & Occupation. War crimes & huge infant deaths”, 22 January 2007.

US Terror & Occupation. War crimes & huge infant deaths

THE LATEST data from the UN Population Division and UNICEF for the year 2005 are utterly shocking - they reveal horrendous, avoidable under-5 infant deaths (under-5 year old deaths, under-5 deaths) in a swathe of countries East from the Caribbean to South Asia that have variously been invaded and remain occupied by the US or its US-backed surrogates.

The countries subject to this horrendous abuse and analyzed below are as follows: Occupied Afghanistan (US invasion and occupation in 2001); Somalia (US invasion and then withdrawal in 1993; US-backed Christian Ethiopian invasion and occupation in 2007 with US military participation); Iraq (US sanctions and bombing in 1990; US Gulf War in 1991; Sanctions War 1990-2003; US invasion and occupation, 2003); Haiti (Government overthrown and US invasion, 2004); Occupied Palestinian Territory (invasion and occupation by US-backed Israel in 1967).

In analyzing the consequent horrendous under-5 infants deaths in these US- or US surrogate-occupied countries it is important to have standards of comparison and Australia and Israel are obvious choices – they are Western countries, are US-allied and are variously involved in or supportive of these US or US-backed invasions and occupations.

Decent people believe in the essential key assertions of American Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal and have an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, and indeed many internationally-agreed Laws and Conventions flow from that great American document.

However many Laws and Conventions are being grossly violated by these US or US-backed occupations. Thus invasion of non-threatening countries is illegal (a major basis of the post-WW2 Nuremberg trials); invasions without UN Security Council permission are illegal (Chapter 7, Articles 39-51, UN Charter ); mass mortality of conquered people due to non-provision of life-sustaining requisites by the Occupier is a war crime (Articles 55 & 56, Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War; and unacceptable Occupation conditions will variously violate other major International Conventions (most notably the Rights of the Child Convention , the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Genocide Convention).

The 2005 infant mortality data is presented in various ways below.

“Year 2005 under-5 infant deaths” / “year 2005 population” is 370,000 / 29.9 million (Occupied Afghanistan); 122,000 / 28.8 million (Occupied Iraq); 82,000 / 8.2 million (Occupied Somalia); 31,000 / 8.5 million (Occupied Haiti); and 3,000 / 3.7 million (Occupied Palestinian Territory) – as compared to 1,500 / 20.2 million (Occupi-er Australia) and 800 / 6.4 million (Occupi-er Israel).

“Year 2005 annual under-5 infant death rate” (i.e. as a percentage: deaths for every 100 under-5 year old infants in 2005 in a particular country) was 6.7% (Occupied Afghanistan); 2.8% (Occupied Iraq); 5.5% (Occupied Somalia); 2.7% (Occupied Haiti); and 0.47% (Occupied Palestinian Territory) – as compared to 0.12% (Occupi-er Australia) and 0.12% (Occupi-er Israel).

The sheer criminality of what the US and its allies Israel, the UK, Australia, Coalition countries and complicit NATO countries are doing can be most dramatically seen by comparing the above “annual under-5 infant death rates” in currently US- or US surrogate-occupied countries (0.47% - 6.7%) with the “annual death rate” of 10% for Australian prisoners of war (POWs) of the Japanese in WW2 - noting that for crimes such as this Japanese generals were tried and hanged in the aftermath of that conflict (see MWC News and ABC Radio National).

What can decent people do?

We cannot walk by on the other side. We are absolutely obliged to INFORM EVERYONE we know about this appalling, continuing passive mass murder, the passive mass paedocide (pedocide) of utterly helpless under-5 year old infants in these US- or US surrogate-occupied countries that now totals over 0.6 million every year or 1,700 daily, 70 per hour or over ONE DEATH PER MINUTE.

Only when everyone realizes the enormity and sheer evil of the crimes of US terrorism (US Terror) and of US-Israeli State Terrorism (USIST) will effective collective action be taken. Peace is the only way and the responsibility is on all decent people to apply personal and collective intra-national and inter-national Sanctions and Boycotts against those complicit in this continuing slaughter of the innocents.

Ordinary Germans in 1945 could claim that they “did not know” what was happening in the concentration camps of Nazi-occupied Europe. Notwithstanding the cowardice, corruption and racism of holocaust-denying, holocaust-ignoring corporate Mainstream media, all decent people must do everything they can to ensure that Westerners are INFORMED about the awful mass pedocidal crimes being silently and secretly committed in their name. Not In Our Name!

The UN sources are authoritative, the arithmetic straightforward, the numbers appalling, the International Laws clear and the moral imperative compelling. Please forward this article to your friends, associates, humanitarian organizations, political representatives and media. We must all ask ourselves before our own Children or Grandchildren do - what did you do in the War on Women and Children?