Ways to Give

Adams Christian School - Ways to Give

An Invitation To Participate

Thank you for your interest in Adams Protestant Reformed Christian School. We hope that our Planned Giving pages will serve you and your family with helpful information to learn how gift-planning ideas can be beneficial.

Adams Christian School has been in existence since 1993. Over **** students have graduated from Adams and have grown significantly in their knowledge of God's Word. They have continued their education at Covenant Christian High School and taken up occupations in business, commerce and education. Some have gone into ministry and many are godly mothers in the home.

We believe it is vital that the values and strengths inherent in the educational programs at Adams continue for our children, grandchildren and generations yet to come. Certainly this Christian education is worthy of our financial commitment. The Lord calls each of us to be good stewards of the resources He has entrusted to us.

We would welcome the opportunity to assist you in considering a financial gift to the Foundation. This gift will generate earnings and benefits for years to come.

Ways to Give

Here are some examples of how you can leave a legacy of support to Adams Protestant Reformed Christian School:

  • Gifts of cash
  • Gifts of stocks or bonds
  • Bequest made through wills
  • Gift annuities
  • Life insurance
  • Charitable remainder trusts

Please prayerfully consider what you can contribute to help Adams Christian Foundation provide a Reformed quality education for future generations.

You can establish a fund at any time during your lifetime or through your estate plan. The Foundation has several options available that provide current tax and estate planning benefits while helping you support Adams. We would be happy to meet you and your financial adviser to discuss which giving program best meets your needs.

Thank you for taking the time to explore Ways to Give. Please contact one of our Foundation Board members or contact the school at (616) 531-0748.