Abbots Bromley Bellringers

We are a friendly team of volunteers who ring the church bells at St Nicholas, Abbots Bromley, Staffordshire. We ring for church services on Sunday mornings and also for weddings, and we practice weekly on a Tuesday evening. We recruit and train new bellringers and we also maintain the bells and fittings in good working order. Our regular ringing times are:

Sunday 09:15 - 09:45

Tuesday 19:30 - 21:15

As a hobby, bellringing has a lot going for it, including:

  • Good for you - gentle exercise, or more energetic if you visit the heavier bells at Hoar Cross!

  • It's a great team activity and so you get to meet lots of people

  • Challenging and satisfying - a sense of rhythm is more important than being able to read music

  • We visit lots of towers in other villages and towns, both in the UK and even abroad

  • Get to see and help behind the scenes of the church

We ring for many reasons (When do we ring? page), such as:

  • For 30 minutes before most church services

  • For church events e.g. weddings, funerals, festivals, etc.

  • For village events e.g. Remembrance Day, Horn Day Dance, etc.

  • To progress our band e.g. practices on Tuesday nights, quarter peals, etc.

If you would like to know more about ringing, please get in touch (contact page) or come along any Tuesday night and meet us at the tower.