My reading list

Keeping track...

Suggestions are welcome

Books read (2021)

  1. Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

  2. Moonshadow by J.M. DeMatteis

  3. La falsa pista by Henning Mankell (Nov 9th)

  4. Descifrando enigma by Jim Ottaviani (Nov 3rd)

  5. 1Q84 libro 3 by Haruki Murakami (Oct 5th)

  6. Cortafuegos by Henning Mankell (Aug 30th)

  7. La red de protección by Andrea Camilleri (Jul 18th)

  8. El baró rampant by Italo Calvino (Jul 9th)

  9. Olvida mi nombre by Zerocalcare (Jul 7th)

  10. Kobane calling by Zerocalcare (Jun 20th)

  11. Gent normal by Sally Rooney (Jun 9th)

  12. Metroland by Julian Barnes (Jun 7th)

  13. Suttree by Cormac McCarthy (May 25th)

  14. Pseudociencia: Mentiras, fraudes y otros mitos by Darryl Cunningham (May 15th)

  15. Cómo no hacer nada by Guy Delisle (May 10th)

  16. Shenzen by Guy Delisle (May 5th)

  17. Historias de Bosnia by Joe Sacco (May 4th)

  18. Ilegal by Eoin Colfer (May 2nd)

  19. Uns germans inesperats by Amin Maalouf (May 2nd)

  20. Maus by Art Spiegelman (Apr 8th)

  21. Crónicas birmanas by Guy Delisle (Apr 1st)

  22. Operació Shangó: La travessa del Sàhara by Jaume Torrent (Mar 22nd)

  23. Guía del mal padre by Guy Delisle (Mar 20th)

  24. Escapar by Guy Delisle (Mar 20th)

  25. La escuela no es un parque de atracciones by Gregorio Luri (Mar 1st)

  26. El camino by Miguel Delibes (Jan 16th)

  27. El fin del "Homo sovieticus" by Svetlana Aleksiévich (Jan 9th)

  28. Manifiesto por la lectura by Irene Vallejo (Jan 7th)

Books read (2020)

  1. Momo by Michael Ende (Dec 12th)

  2. Algú em deu calés by Donald E. Westlake (Dec 6th)

  3. Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O'Neil (Nov 26th)

  4. El asombroso viaje de Pomponio Flato by Eduardo Mendoza (Nov 18th)

  5. Unos caballos muy lindos by Cormac McCarthy (Nov 12th)

  6. Cotó a Harlem by Chester Himes (Oct 28th)

  7. Neuromancer by William Gibson (Oct 15th)

  8. El xinès by Henning Mankell (Sep 22nd)

  9. Estima'm... però vull saber-ne més by Jaume Funes (Sep 12th)

  10. Quixot by Salman Rushdie (Sep 3rd)

  11. Las ovejas de Glennkill by Leonie Swann (Aug 24th)

  12. El libro negro by Orhan Pamuk (Aug 5th)

  13. A cada cual, lo suyo by Leonardo Sciascia (Jun 14th)

  14. Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus by Steven Strogatz (Jun 8th)

  15. Black and blue by Ian Rankin (May 13th)

  16. Jefe de estación Fallmerayer by Joseph Roth (Apr 25th)

  17. 2666 by Roberto Bolaño (gave up)

  18. Notas al pie en Gaza by Joe Sacco (Mar 27th)

  19. The Only Story by Julian Barnes (Mar 16th)

  20. A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin (Mar 11th)

  21. El hombre en el castillo by Phillip K Dick (Feb 7th)

  22. A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin (Jan 27th)

Books read (2019):

  1. The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes (Dec 26th)

  2. Too Much Happiness by Alice Munro (Dec 21st)

  3. A Storm of Swords. 2: Blood and Gold by George R.R. Martin (Dec 8th)

  4. On Bullshit by Harry G. Frankfurt (Nov 24th)

  5. A Storm of Swords. 1: Steel and Snow by George R.R. Martin (Nov 7th)

  6. Cuento de Navidad by Charles Dickens (Oct 8th)

  7. La increïble història d'un núvol by Montse Clotet (Oct 6th)

  8. A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin (Oct 5th)

  9. A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin (Aug 8th)

  10. Cambiemos el mundo: #HuelgaPorElClima by Greta Thunberg (Jul 7th)

  11. Educación siberiana by Nicolai Lilin (Jun 21st)

  12. Crónicas de Jerusalén by Guy Delisle (May 1st)

  13. Foguerada d'agost by Andrea Camilleri (Apr 26th)

  14. La analfabeta que era un genio de los números by Jonas Jonasson (Apr 22nd)

  15. Un diamante al rojo vivo by Donald E. Westlake (Apr 16th)

  16. The Wall by John Lanchester (Mar 29th)

  17. L'edat del dubte by Andrea Camilleri (Mar 11th)

  18. Una noche en el paraíso by Lucia Berlin (Feb 28th)

  19. Jonathan Strange y el señor Norrell by Susanna Clarke (Feb 15th)

  20. Pyongyang by Guy Delisle (Jan 8th)

Books read (2018):

  1. Brief Answers to Big Questions by Stephen Hawking (Dec 30th)

  2. El dinero de los demás by Justin Cartwright (Oct 9th)

  3. ¿Quién es Lou Sciortino? by Ottavio Cappellani (Sep 26th)

  4. La biblioteca de los libros rechazados by David Foenkinos (Sep 2nd)

  5. Desayuno en Tiffany's by Truman Capote (Aug 29th)

  6. Canadá by Richard Ford (Aug 27th)

  7. Fuera del mapa: Un viaje extraordinario a lugares inexplorados by Alastair Bonnett (May 22nd)

  8. 4 3 2 1 by Paul Auster (Apr 26th)

  9. Los encelados by E.I. (Jan 3rd)

  10. Artemis by Andy Weir (Jan 1st)

Books read (2017):

  1. Headhunters by Jo Nesbø (Dec 14th)

  2. Historia del mundo en 12 mapas by Jerry Brotton (in progress)

  3. El hombre ilustrado by Ray Bradbury (Oct 18th)

  4. El gen. Una història íntima by Siddhartha Mukherjee (Sep 4th)

  5. Un giro decisivo by Andrea Camilleri (Aug 24th)

  6. La búsqueda del tesoro by Andrea Camilleri (Aug 13th)

  7. El curso de las cosas by Andrea Camilleri (Aug 6th)

  8. Harry Potter i la cambra secreta by J.K. Rowling (Jul 16th)

  9. El americano impasible by Graham Greene (Jun 23rd)

  10. Pacto de sangre by James M. Cain (May 3rd)

  11. Collita roja by Dashiell Hammett (Apr 30th)

  12. Harry Potter i la pedra filosofal by J.K. Rowling (Apr 3rd)

  13. Mala ciencia by Ben Goldacre (Mar 11th)

  14. Sonrisas by E.I. (Jan 3rd)

  15. Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies by Nick Bostrom (Jan 2nd)

Books read (2016):

  1. La Guerra Civil Española by Paul Preston and José Pablo García (Dec 15th)

  2. #ProyectoBombo by Olga Vallejo (Nov 10th)

  3. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Attwood (Aug 18th)

  4. Beacon 23 by Hugh Howey (Aug 8th)

  5. Un filo de luz by Andrea Camilleri (Jul 27th)

  6. Sàpiens. Una breu història de la humanitat by Yuval Noah (Jul 3rd)

  7. Dos anys, vuit mesos i vint-i-vuit nits by Salman Rushdie (Apr 14th)

  8. Fatherland by Robert Harris (Jan 14th)

Books read (2015):

  1. Pasajero K by Adolfo García Ortega (Nov 3rd)

  2. El tercer hombre y El ídolo caído by Graham Greene (Oct 5th)

  3. El halcón maltés by Dashiell Hammett (Sep 18th)

  4. World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks (Aug 25th)

  5. Seveneves by Neal Stephenson (Aug 17th)

  6. El cementerio de Praga by Umberto Eco (May 26th)

  7. El traje gris by Andrea Camilleri (Jan 26th)

  8. Nuestra pandilla by Philip Roth (Jan 8th)

Books read (2014):

  1. The Martian by Andy Weir (Dec 31st)

  2. The Signal and the Noise by Nate Silver (in progress)

  3. The Humans by Matt Haig (Dec 9th)

  4. Sand by Hugh Howey (Sep 18th)

  5. Capital by John Lanchester (Aug 23rd)

  6. Esta historia by Alessandro Baricco (Jul 21st)

  7. Pan, educación, libertad by Petros Márkaris (May 19th)

  8. The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen (Apr 17th)

  9. Ciberíada by Stanislaw Lem (Feb 2nd)

Books read (2013):

  1. Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk by Ben Fountain (Dec 5th)

  2. Dust by Hugh Howey (Sep 22nd)

  3. Use of Weapons by Iain M. Banks (Sep 6th)

  4. The Red House by Mark Haddon (Jul 26th)

  5. No Logo by Naomi Klein (Jul 3rd)

  6. El petit príncep by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (May 11th)

  7. Los desorientados by Amin Maalouf (May 10th)

  8. A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway (Apr 22nd)

  9. Third Shift: Pact by Hugh Howey (Mar 25th)

  10. Second Shift: Order by Hugh Howey (Mar 15th)

  11. First Shift: Legacy by Hugh Howey (Mar 7th)

  12. Los señores de las finanzas. Los cuatro hombres que arruinaron el mundo by Liaquat Ahamed (Mar 1st)

  13. Wool by Hugh Howey (Jan 22nd)

Books read (2012):

  1. The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul by Douglas Adams (Nov 30th)

  2. Por el bien del imperio. Una historia del mundo desde 1945 by Josep Fontana (in progress)

  3. The Story of the Bad Little Boy by Mark Twain (Oct 18th)

  4. The Story of the Good Little Boy by Mark Twain (Oct 18th)

  5. The Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams (Oct 17th)

  6. Jailbird by Kurt Vonnegut (Aug 20th)

  7. Caligrafía de los sueños by Juan Marsé (Jul 10th)

  8. La pista de sorra by Andrea Camilleri (Jun 7th)

  9. Diari d'hivern by Paul Auster (Jun 4th)

  10. Actúa by Rosa María Artal et al. (May 30th)

  11. On the road by Jack Kerouac (May 16th)

  12. The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin (Mar 25th)

  13. I.O.U.: Why Everyone Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay by John Lanchester (Mar 6th)

  14. A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon (Feb 22nd)

  15. I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America After Twenty Years Away by Bill Bryson (Jan 27th)

  16. Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller (in progress)

  17. Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time by Michael Shermer (Jan 5th)

Books read (2011):

  1. A Short Story of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson (Nov 29th)

  2. And Another Thing... by Eoin Colfer (Nov 3rd)

  3. The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth (Oct 15)

  4. Solar by Ian McEwan (Oct 10th)

  5. Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace (Sep 27th) [My first ebook]

  6. Todo lo que podríamos haber sido tú y yo si no fuéramos tú y yo by Albert Espinosa (Jun 15th)

  7. 1Q84 (llibres 1 i 2) by Haruki Murakami (Jun 8th)

  8. La muerte de Amalia Sacerdote by Andrea Camilleri (Apr 27th)

  9. Indignez vous! by Stéphane Hessel (Apr 22nd)

  10. The Complete Robot by Isaac Asimov (Apr 21st)

  11. Nemesis by Philip Roth (Mar 26th)

  12. When will Jesus bring the pork chops? by George Carlin (Mar 22nd)

  13. God Bless You, Mr Rosewater by Kurt Vonnegut (Mar 19th)

  14. The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi Klein (Mar 13th)

  15. The Sirens Of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut (Feb 15th)

  16. Sunset Park by Paul Auster (Feb 1st)

  17. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams (Jan 25th)

  18. Earth (the book): a visitor's guide to the human race by Jon Stewart et al. (In progress)

  19. El mejor amigo del oso by Arto Paasilinna (Jan 16th)

  20. Las alas de la esfinge by Andrea Camilleri (Jan 3rd)

Books read (2010):

  1. The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow (Dec 24th)

  2. Acqua in bocca by Andrea Camilleri and Carlo Lucarelli (Dec 16th)

  3. Hacia la Fundación by Isaac Asimov (Dec 15th)

  4. A man without a country by Kurt Vonnegut (Nov 29th)

  5. Animal farm by George Orwell (Nov 26th)

  6. La idea de Europa by George Steiner (Nov 23rd)

  7. Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy by John Le Carré (Nov 23rd)

  8. Fundación y Tierra by Isaac Asimov (Oct 22nd)

  9. Los límites de la Fundación by Isaac Asimov (Oct 12th)

  10. Qui mana aquí? by Victòria Cardona (Sep 30th)

  11. Cometas en el cielo by Khaled Hosseini (Sep 27th)

  12. La cançó dels missioners by John Le Carré (Sep 20th)

  13. La paciència de l'aranya by Andrea Camilleri (Sep 6th)

  14. Persèpolis by Marjane Satrapi (Sep 2nd)

  15. Pensió Eva by Andrea Camilleri (Sep 1st)

  16. El evangelio según Jesucristo by José Saramago (Aug 29th)

  17. La segona Fundació by Isaac Asimov (Aug 5th)

  18. Fundació i Imperi by Isaac Asimov (July 30th)

  19. La Fundació by Isaac Asimov (July 23rd)

  20. El siglo de las luces by Alejo Carpentier (July 14th)

  21. El Emperador by Ryszard Kapuscinski (Jun 17th)

  22. El Sha o la desmesura del poder by Ryszard Kapuscinski (Jun 10th)

  23. L'home que plantava arbres by Jean Giono (Jun 3rd)

  24. El temps envelleix de pressa by Antonio Tabucchi (Jun 2nd)

  25. The humbling by Philip Roth (May 28th)

  26. El Tercer Reich by Roberto Bolaño (May 26th)

  27. Invisible by Paul Auster (May 14th)

  28. Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut (May 6th)

  29. Handling sin by Michael Malone (May 2nd)

  30. Contra natura by Arcadi Navarro i Cuartiellas (Mar 18th)

  31. Blood meridian by Cormac McCarthy (Mar 13th)

  32. The demon-haunted world: science as a candle in the dark by Carl Sagan (Feb 23rd)

  33. Guns, germs, and steel: the fates of human societies by Jared Diamond (Feb 18th)

  34. A most wanted man by John Le Carré (Jan 22nd)

  35. City of glass: the graphic novel by Paul Karasik, David Mazzucchelli and Paul Auster (Jan 16th)

  36. Cat's cradle by Kurt Vonnegut (Jan 11th)

Books read (2009):

  1. The greatest show on Earth by Richard Dawkins (Dec 30th)

  2. The ultimate hitchiker's guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (Dec 2nd)

  3. En medio de ninguna parte by J.M. Coetzee

  4. Memorial del convento by José Saramago

  5. El recurso del método by Alejo Carpentier

  6. El imperio by Ryszard Kapuscinski

  7. Ébano by Ryszard Kapuscinski

  8. La senda del drago by José Luis Sampedro

  9. Anatomía de un instante by Javier Cercas

  10. La solitud dels nombres primers by Paolo Giordano

  11. The enchantress of Florence by Salman Rushdie

  12. After dark by Haruki Murakami

  13. Man in the dark by Paul Auster

  14. The road by Cormac McCarthy

  15. La gente de Smiley by John Le Carré

  16. Gomorra by Roberto Saviano

  17. Chesil beach by Ian McEwan


  • El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis by José Saramago

  • Mil soles espléndidos by Khaled Hosseini

  • 1Q84 (libro 3) by Haruki Murakami

  • Hitch-22 by Christopher Hitchens

  • Joseph Anton by Salman Rushdie

  • The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

  • La neblina del ayer by Leonardo Padura

  • El Universo en tu mano by Christophe Galfard
