Our Mission

This is what differentiates 420 College from ANYONE else in the industry:

420 College is a premier organization for bringing both growing companies and career minded individuals together. Our goal is to give you the knowledge and tools  to be successful in your medical cannabis business. 

In today's declining economy, we are preparing Americans for a better tomorrow, by educating them on a thriving new industry, that will not only help the current economy by providing taxpayer dollars for the government, but create employment for thousands of people who have been laid off  by their employers due to the declining economy.

Come join us and become a part of this hidden industry. There are medical cannabis dispensaries, marijuana delivery services and non-profit collectives all over California providing patient care everyday, get educated and get the know-how of the business from people who are in business.

We don't just present you with general information. We answer all the questions YOU have about YOUR business. We will personally introduce you to lawyers, vendors, collectives, accountants, consultants, real estate agents and web designers or anyone we feel will move your project forward.

Don't delay, you can be up and running in a matter of weeks depending on your dedication and budget and location.  We want to know how we can help YOU--not just feed you a bunch of useless facts.

Become a part of the pioneer movement to completely legalize marijuana, not only in not only in California but in your state but throughout America, and earn a living while helping marijuana patients access  their medicine.

Our staff is available to talk to you on the phone after the classes ANYTIME to answer any questions you may have missed. We are accessible and want you to succeed because--"Our success is your success!"  We welcome you to join our network of friendly, like-minded canna-business pot-trepreneurs to help you achieve your goals!   Meet new people, make new contacts...at 420 Cannabis College, we don't just educate, we put you on the right track for success.