US Cities in Song Titles

This J-Walk Blog post on 2011-03-04 announces the YouTube playlist that the blogger built from 76 of the songs he selected ... from his list and from reader submissions ... with the name of one or more US cities in the song title (plus one more song -- "I've Been Everywhere").

Although one reader did create a Google map that tags those cities, below is a map (a set of maps, actually) that shows song names and other info, and provides direct links to the YouTube songs.

Messy, isn't it? So...

Click here for a bigger map.

Or click here for a BIGGER map. Sorry, but even at this size, some song titles overlap.

City is the first city named in the song title (with hyperlink to start the playlist on this song, until Google changed site support)

City is the second or later-named city in the song title

City is mentioned in "I've Been Everywhere", performed by Johnny Cash in the playlist
