What further information and services are available?

(updated 02-06-16)

Join the 3mm Society to access a wide range of products, information, services, and other members, namely:-

a) Price List

Periodically issued to members. Contains full listing of most Society products, with prices.

b) Mail Order

The place for members to order products listed in the Price List. The Society is currently re-organising this and the other Society "shops" to bring operation up-to-date and to implement on-line ordering.

c) Marshalling Yard

Source of Society and Peco track, rail, jigs, sleepering, and related items

d) Stock Sidings

The second-hand shop. Most Triang and and a wide range of other 3mm products pass through the shop at some time or other. It's a good place to look if you are seeking otherwise unobtainable products, completed kits, and so on.

e) Illustrated Catalogue

Very comprehensive illustrated CD-based guide to products of the Society and major suppliers, including past products. Ideal for sourcing that obscure component you've found you need. Currently this is being adapted to cater for on-line ordering.

f) Mixed Traffic

The Society's highly popular quarterly magazine. Includes articles, reviews, hints, arguments, adverts.

g) Newsletter

Issued with Mixed Traffic. Latest product news from suppliers, also other news, shows, area groups.

The main source of keeping in touch with who's producing what.

h) Meetings

Apart from the AGM, which is also the main showcase for the scale, there are several other major get togethers.

You can meet other modellers, and also spend your hard earned cash on Society and suppliers' stands.

There are a number of area groups which host their own meetings.

i) E-list

A lively forum for online members to share information, advice and views.

What next?