What next?

Well, hopefully you have enough information to get started, although naturally a lot of things, for example scenic items, haven't been mentioned. If you haven't already, then join the 3mm Society and get the product lists. The major independent suppliers all now have web sites worth looking at. Think about where you want to go, make a list of the items you are going to need and from whom, then send off your orders. However, do remember that all the people you've contacted have other lives and other commitments, and may need a bit of time to respond to your order. In fact, as a general rule, order things when you know you're going to need them, not when you actually do, to avoid frustrating waits if they're not currently in stock.

Once you've joined the Society, then assuming that you have internet access we recommend that you join the Society's e-list.This is a very good place to seek help or advice, or generally keep in touch with what's going on.

Join the 3mm Society